2015年5月11日 星期一

semi-detached,founding, quincentenary, semiquincentenary, get around blockades

Archive from 2012: Even at the best of times Britain has always been a semi-detached member of the EU. David Cameron, the prime minister, has promised an in/out referendum vote on Britain’s EU membership by the end of 2017. Why might Britain be leaving the EU, and how would it happen? http://econ.st/1HcJsN2

Archive: As governments attempt to block access to social media or to the internet entirely, protesters try to stay one step ahead. So how do they get around blockades?http://econ.st/1PC7XT4

Brown President Christina H. Paxson will preside over the University’s 247th Commencement exercises Sunday, May 24, 2015, on the College Green. The ceremony concludes Brown’s three-day Commencement/Reunion Weekend and will mark the official end of the University’s semiquincentenary celebrations, the 250th anniversary of Brown’s founding. ‪#‎Brown2015‬ ‪#‎BrownReunion‬ ‪#‎CampusDance‬

quincentenary Line breaks: quin|cen¦ten|ary
Pronunciation: /ˌkwɪnsɛnˈtiːn(ə)ri/

Definition of quincentenary in English:

noun (plural quincentenaries)

The five-hundredth anniversary of a significant event:1992, the quincentenary of Columbus’s discovery.


