2015年2月24日 星期二

feat, Judges, sump, sump pump

Police found a petrol can, food containers, a generator, and a wheel barrow inside as well as moisture-resistant light bulbs, and a sump pump to remove ground water http://bbc.in/1FoUoSO

There is more than one reason to harbour doubts about Eugene Kaspersky and the computer-security company that bears his name. However, Kaspersky Lab has repeatedly impressed sceptics by exposing genuine and serious cyber-security problems. On February 16th Kaspersky appeared to repeat this feat, not once, but twice http://econ.st/1COMkKU

The Kaspersky equation

THERE is more than one reason to harbour doubts about Eugene Kaspersky and the computer-security company that bears his name. He graduated from...


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A sump pump is a pump used to remove water that has accumulated in a water collecting sumpbasin, commonly found in the basement of homes.

Sump pump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sump_pumpsumpLine breaks: sump
Pronunciation: /sʌmp

Definition of sump in English:
1A hollow or depression in which liquid collects, especially one in the floor of a mine or cave.
2The base of an internal-combustion engine, which serves as a reservoir of oil for the lubrication system.


Middle English (in the sense 'marsh'): from Middle Dutch or Low German sump, or (in the mining sense) from German Sumpf; related to swamp.

featLine breaks: feat

Definition of feat in English:



late Middle English (in the general sense 'action or deed'): from Old French fait, from Latin factum (seefact).

  1. 然後三松說:「讓我的性命和培肋舍特人同歸於盡! 」於是他奮力屈身,大殿隨之倒塌,壓在酋長和裏面所有的民眾身上;這樣他在臨死時所殺死的人,比一生所殺死的人還多。
  2. 此後,他的兄弟和父親的全家下來,把他抬上去,葬在祚辣和厄市陶耳之間,他父親瑪諾亞的墳墓裏。他作以色列民長二十年。

  3. 民長紀/士師紀

JudgesLine breaks: Judges
Pronunciation: /ˈdʒʌdʒɪz /

Definition of Judges in English:

The seventh book of the Bibledescribing the conquest of Canaan under the leaders called ‘judges’ in an account that is parallel to that of the Book ofJoshua and is probably more accurate historically. The book includes the stories of Deborah, Jael,Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson.


