Railways Studios of New Zealand.
Architecture students discuss their preparation for the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Decathalon.
“I went last night to the Lorings,” [Henry James] wrote to Isabella Stewart Gardner in Boston, “and found there the repulsive and fatuousOscar Wilde, whom, I am happy to say, no one was looking at.” We know James was lying about this because Harriet Loring, the daughter of the party’s hosts, described Oscar’s appearance in her parents’ home with these words: “We had Oscar! He burst upon our view one Sunday—tights, yellow handkerchief and all. He is the most gruesome object I ever saw, but he was very amusing. Full of Irish keenness and humor and really interesting.”

Henry James Thought Oscar Wilde Was a Talentless Self-Promoter. Here's What Happened When The...
Ian Dury would've been 73 today. And this terrific episode of Great Lives about him features three other old friends, all gone too: Linda Smith, Charlie Gillett and Humphrey Carpenter. You might need a hanky. http://bbc.in/1cNuiRH
Definition of hanky in English:
noun ( plural hankies)
1Used to emphasize something additional that is beingreferred to:she threw her coffee over him, mug and all
VERB ( past and past participle burst)
1.3Feel a very strong or irrepressible emotion orimpulse:he was bursting with joy and excitement[ WITH INFINITIVE] : she was bursting to say something
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Old English berstan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutchbersten, barsten.
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