'That’s right, in this age of austerity, someone paid about eight times the national average salary for a picture of a load of politicians sitting round a table.'

The all-new installment of TASCHEN’s bestseller
In a world where products are out as soon as they’re in, where communicating without wires doesn’t come without strings, and even our accessories need accessories, we need simple tools. A book that helps us look inside because we are overloaded outside.
The Best iPhone Apps to Replace Apple's Pre-Loaded Ones
Teck Cominco of Canada confirmed that is trying to sell an interest in its coal operations to strategic partners in Brazil, China and Japan, to pay off its massive debt load.
vulgar slang
a large amount or number.
vulgar slang
- a large amount or number.
1 [C] the amount of work to be done by a person:
If we share the organization of the party, that will help spread the load a bit.
I've got a heavy/light teaching load this term.
See also caseload; workload.
2 [S] a painful, difficult or tiring situation to deal with:
I wish I could do something to lighten your load (= make your situation easier).
1 [C] the amount of work to be done by a person:
If we share the organization of the party, that will help spread the load a bit.
I've got a heavy/light teaching load this term.
See also caseload; workload.
2 [S] a painful, difficult or tiring situation to deal with:
I wish I could do something to lighten your load (= make your situation easier).
noun [C]
1 the amount of weight carried, especially by a vehicle, a structure such as a bridge, or an animal:
The maximum load for this elevator is eight persons.
One truck involved in the accident was carrying a heavy load of coal.
2 SPECIALIZED in an electrical system, an electrical device which takes power, or the electrical power put into the system
all the people or goods in the stated type of vehicle or container:
a coachload of football fans
Busloads of tourists pour into this place in the summer.
Truckloads of food and medical supplies arrived in the refugee camp.
verb [I or T]
to put a lot of things into a vehicle or machine:
How long will it take to load this sand onto the lorry?
Let's load up the car and then we can go.
to load the dishwasher/washing machine
See also overload.
NOTE: The opposite is unload.
(a load of) informal A lot of:she was talking a load of rubbish
Pronunciation: /ˈləʊdɪd /
Definition of loaded in English:
1.4North American informal (Of a car) equipped with many optional extras; deluxe:1989 Ford 250 LXT: low miles, loaded
2.1(Of a word, statement, or question) charged with an underlying meaning or implication:avoid politically loaded terms like ‘nation’‘Anything else?’ It was a loaded question and Kelly knew it