2016年9月6日 星期二

Nota bene, anni beatum

#BeineckeTheNextChapter reopened at 9:00 am on September 6; nota bene: events upcoming include special open house for Yale students on Sat., Sept. 24, and a community open house for all on campus, in New Haven, and beyond on Sat. Oct. 8 (correct date!) Please visit http://beinecke.library.yale.edu/ to learn more about library hours, events, exhibitions, and collections, include extensive digital collections online.

happy new year

anni beatum

We are delighted to announce that the annual report issue of "Nota Bene: News from the Yale Library" (2013-2014) is now available online:http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi…‪#‎yale‬

Nota bene (/ˈntɑːˈbɛnɛ/; plural form notate bene) is an Italian and Latin phrase meaning "note well".[1] The phrase first appeared in writing circa 1721.[2]
Often abbreviated as "N.B.", "N.b." or "n.b.", nota bene comes from the Latin roots notāre ("to note") and bene ("well").[1] It is in the singular imperative mood, instructing one individual to note well the matter at hand. In present-day English, it is used, particularly in legal papers,[3] to draw the attention of the reader to a certain (side) aspect or detail of the subject on hand, translating it as "pay attention" or "take notice". While "N.B." is often used in academic writing, "note" is a common substitute.
nota bene
ˌnəʊtə ˈbɛneɪ/
  1. (used in written text to draw attention to what follows) observe carefully or take special notice.


