2024年6月2日 星期日

crater, craterous, bespeckled, to table, on-set. The economy craters.畢靜翰談economy



「Economy」來自於古希臘文的「管理家庭」(oikonomia ),500年前在英國,economy就變為現代人所說的「經濟」的意思。


如果我們說「the economy」,因為前面有冠詞,我們就知道這是某個國家的「經濟」,如果沒有冠詞即沒有這個意思😌

如果是描述跟「the economy」有關係的事情,那就是「economic」
economic issues
economic concerns
economic trends

但如果是「economical」,這反而是一般人(或家庭)省錢相關的事情,譬如說,「We have to do what's economical」(我們不可以浪費錢!我要用省錢/比較划算的方式),當然,我們也可以說「We need to live economically」,這裡並不是指「經濟」,而是指「不要浪費錢/省錢/節省」等等

如果是指高中大學的經濟學的話,我們也比較會說「econ」,即「I'm going to econ now」

「the economy of virtue」(道德管理)
「the influencer economy」(影響力的價值市場)
「the economy of nature」(大自然的營運方式)
這不是指「經濟」而是指一個比較接近「economy 」原本的意思,即「家庭管理」


“Galileo was able to show that no, in fact, it’s a big rock.”
No longer was the moon a flawless form in the night sky, instead revealed as a bespeckled, craterous character, in many ways closer to Earth than heaven.

 But buckets of water cannot extinguish craters.



 Found! Patio Tiles (Sort Of) on Mars

By Jeffrey Kluger
A new discovery in a Martian crater yields clues to the planet's watery past

The world's leading independent film director, Pedro Almodóvar is renowned for the visual opulence, experimentation, and eroticism of his films. He has collaborated closely with TASCHEN and given complete access to his archives, allowing personal on-set photos and texts to be published for the first time as well as writing new texts for the book. This is the first time Pedro Almodóvar has written a book about all his films.


  • The properties, backdrops, and other objects arranged for a dramatic presentation: mise en scène, scene, scenery, setting. See performing arts.

  • Parks Chief Blocked Plan for Grand Canyon Bottle Ban

    Jon Jarvis, the top federal parks official, tabled the project after conversations with Coca-Cola, a major donor to the National Park Foundation.
    Goshikinuma, a crater lake in the Azuma mountain range in Fukushima Prefecture, on Nov. 8 (Takeo Kato)

    赫弗利領導着一支由16名操作員組成的團隊,他們是美國航空航天局(NASA)屬下的噴氣推進實驗室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)的成員,共同負責操控“好奇號”(Curiosity)漫遊車穿過火星的蓋爾隕坑(Gale Crater)。“好奇號”共有六個車輪,以鈈燃料為動力,車上裝有激光等能夠燒熔岩石的超前設備。這個重達2000磅的遙控裝置於8月6日登陸火星。8 月22日,赫弗利開始掌控方向盤——實際上是電腦鍵盤。

    (krā'tər) pronunciation
    1. A bowl-shaped depression at the mouth of a volcano or geyser.
      1. A bowl-shaped depression in a surface made by an explosion or the impact of a body, such as a meteoroid.
      2. A pit; a hollow.
    2. Variant of krater.

    v., -tered, -ter·ing, -ters. v.tr.
    To make craters in: "The missiles did not . . . crater the airfield" (Tom Clancy).

    1. To form a crater or craters.
    2. Slang.
      1. To fall and crash violently from a great height.
      2. To fail utterly: "talked about how tough times were in Texas since the oil business cratered" (Stephen Coonts).
    [Latin crātēr, from Greek krātēr, mixing vessel.]
    1 (火山の)噴火口, 火口;(月・火星の)クレーター;隕石(いんせき)孔;わん状間欠噴泉口
    a crater lake
    2 弾孔:爆弾などが破裂して地面にできた穴.
    ━━(自)穴があく, へこみができる.
    [ラテン語←ギリシャ語krātr (krā-混ぜる+-tērもの=混ぜるもの→噴火口)]

    Cra´ter`ous    (kr?´t?r-?s)

    a.1.Pertaining to, or resembling, a crater.


    Line breaks: be|speckle
    Pronunciation: /bəˈspɛk(ə)l /


    Mark or cover with a large number of small spots or patches of colour:the designer whose trademark is to bespeckle his dresses with diamonds


