Despite this, Katharina is often considered one of the most important participants in the Reformation because of her role in helping to define Protestant family life and setting the tone for clergy marriages.
"Baked pundits serving up half-baked anecdotes". Journalist Maureen Dowd's amusing schoolboy error with edible pot sheds no light on Colorado's bold experiment with marijuana legislation.
Every day this week at 1 pm on WQXR, hear one of Strauss' tone poems, those colorful, sometimes decidedly non-PC symphonic works that portray moods, events and characters.
Epic Tales Well Told: Strauss' Tone Poems
Strauss Week: A daily Strauss tone poem on WQXR at 1 pm.
half-assed friend.
set the tone
Definition of half-assed. informal + impolite. : poorly done or planned. : stupid or foolish.
A half-assed idea or plan is stupid or has not been considered carefully enough:
Line breaks: baked
Pronunciation: /ˈbeɪkt