The Roman emperor Hadrian – born #onthisday in AD 76 – famously built an 80-mile-long wall in northern England.
This head comes from a statue which probably stood in London, and may have been built to commemorate Hadrian’s visit to Britain in AD 122. Although there are many marble statues of the emperor, this is a very rare bronze example to have survived from the Roman period.
It was found in the River Thames and may have been deposited for religious reasons, or removed from the body in an act of defiance.
Most Presidential Portraits Are Anodyne. Not Obama’s.
The artists for the portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama addressed the politics of race in subtly savvy ways in these new commissions.
Banality and bathos are the stock-in-trade here. De Botton's curatorial rubrics – as well as memory, there's fortune, money, politics and sex – are anodyne, his insights and descriptions shallow and obvious.
There was never much doubt that Bo Xilai would be found guilty, but
until the end, he remained defiant, pleading not guilty and contesting
nearly every aspect of the prosecutors' case.
According to CMP, Guangdong’s propaganda chief, Tuo Zhen, is said to have re-written the message, making it much more anodyne. This has angered journalists at the newspaper, prompting many of them (as the Associated Press reports) to issue a public complaint—a rare act of defiance by employees of a prominent state-owned publication.
Some investors were hoping for much more -- a radical restructuring maybe, or plans to spin off the low-margin PC division. What they got was Apotheker's anodyne vision of an evolving IT industry, the disruptive force of cloud computing, and HP's role as a soup-to-nuts provider. "All of us need a trusted partner to navigate this new world," he said. "Who but HP could deliver this leadership?"
Later, CFO Catherine Lesjak mentioned the cloud again before boldly declaring that "HP is skating to where the puck is going," (cue eye roll) and then asking, "Who else is as well positioned as HP is? Who else has as powerful and as sustained advantages?"
demon, demonize 妖魔化 2009.5

tr.v., -ized, -iz·ing, -iz·es.
- To turn into or as if into a demon.
- To possess by or as if by a demon.
- To represent as evil or diabolic: wartime propaganda that demonizes the enemy.
demonization de'mon·i·za'tion (-mə-nĭ-zā'shən) n.
demon:魔鬼;惡魔;邪魔(神)。與 devil 或 satan 同。
demoniac possession:附魔;鬼附身。
- An evil supernatural being; a devil.
- A persistently tormenting person, force, or passion: the demon of drug addiction.
- One who is extremely zealous, skillful, or diligent: worked away like a demon; a real demon at math.
- Variant of daimon.
[Middle English, from Late Latin daemōn, from Latin, spirit, from Greek daimōn, divine power.]
n. - 魔鬼, 極殘忍的人
n. - 悪魔, 霊鬼, 悪逆無道な人, ダイモン, 精力家, 達人, 守護神, 鬼のような人
2 (…への)公然の無視, 軽蔑((of ...)).
in defiance of ...
…にもかかわらず, を物ともせず.
Syllabification: (de·fi·ance)
Pronunciation: /diˈfīəns/
Translate defiance | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish noun
Middle English (denoting the renunciation of an allegiance or friendship): from Old French, from defier 'defy'- [ǽnədàin]
[名]鎮痛剤, 鎮静剤;((形式))(感情などを)和らげるもの
Religion was an anodyne to his misery.
1 鎮痛[鎮静]作用をする.
2 ((形式))気持ちを和らげる;気休めの.
Syllabification: an·o·dyne
Pronunciation: /ˈanəˌdīn/
- Not likely to provoke dissent or offense; inoffensive, often deliberately so: anodyne New Age music I attempted to keep the conversation as anodyne as possible
More example sentences
- I just find their music very anodyne, its very ‘consistent’, it lacks variation and is very safe - and that's the problem for the film.
- At other moments - for all the Chorus's endeavours - the concert is let down by anodyne music and lyrics.
- The sound effects - such as the perfect hollow pop every time Sara takes her pills - work in harmony with the images to convey the dull repetition and anodyne ritual that make up any addiction.
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mid 16th century: via Latin from Greek anōdunos 'painless', from an- 'without' + odunē 'pain'.
puck 冰上曲棍球的圓盤
- [pʌ'k]
A hard rubber disk used in ice hockey.
[Perhaps from dialectal puck, to strike.]