New York City: may burst at the seams by the year 2030 (story)
That things in Africa are getting better is undeniable. Child mortality is down, as is the number of people living in extreme poverty. In his book, “Emerging Africa,”
Steve Radalet, the former chief economist for the United States Agency
for International Development, gives credit to such factors as more
democratic governments, a new class of civil servants and
businesspeople, and sounder economic policies. Sachs, on the other hand,
wants us to believe that the main driver has been the Millennium
Villages Project, which has shown the way.
“The Idealist” makes it tough to believe it’s the latter.
BBC Radio 4 - Reith Lectures 2007
Homepage of the Reith Lectures 2007 given by Jeffrey Sachs entitled Bursting at the Seams.