2017年6月18日 星期日

lather, fumigate, blather, blatherskite

ad become a commitment so pervasive that its champions could articulate it explicitly: Hillary Clinton was the most qualified candidate in history, full stop. The Clinton campaign was technocratic liberalism incarnate. Its surrogates might have been empty or evil, but they were smart. Its ideas might have been inert, but they were backed up by the latest charts. The campaign’s messaging apparatus was a digital marvel, cooked up by the best computers Robby Mook could buy. The Clinton campaign believed that it would win because it predicted that it would win, and because the capacity to predict and manage was precisely the competence Clinton’s team was selling. But then Clinton lost. The car crashed in the desert instead."

During a wide-ranging Reddit "Ask me Anything" session -- one that touched upon everything from his biggest regrets to his favorite spread to lather on bread -- the Microsoft co-founder and billionaire philanthropist outlined a future that is equal parts promising and ominous.

  1. 1.
    a frothy white mass of bubbles produced by soap, washing powder, etc. when mixed with water.
    "she rinsed off the lather and dried her hands"
    synonyms:foamfrothsudssoapsuds, bubbles; More

  2. 2.
    a state of agitation or nervous excitement.
    "Dad had got into a right lather by the time I got home"
    synonyms:panic, nervous state, state of agitation, state of anxiety, flusterflutterfret,fussfrenzyfeverpotherMore
  1. 1.
    form or cause to form a lather.
    "soap will not lather in hard water"
  2. 2.
    spread (a substance) thickly or liberally.
    "we lathered the cream on our scones"


  • 発音記号[blǽðərskàit]
1 おしゃべりな人, 放談家.
BLATHER+skite skate(おいぼれの馬)=くだらないことをしゃべる人]

(verb) To talk foolishly.
Synonyms:smatter, babble
Usage:Patrick, oblivious to his sister's visible disinterest, continued to blather about the woes of his fantasy baseball team.


  • 発音記号[fjúːməgèit]

[動](他)…を(煙・蒸気で)蒸す, いぶす;…の燻蒸(くんじょう)消毒をする.
To subject to the action of smoke or fumes, especially to destroy pests.  (© eSpindle Learning)
Usage: Use care when you fumigate any room to get rid of fleas in the carpet.

燻煙 像氣體般地從高熱的固體(如鉛),散發而出的微細固態粒狀物。
其與氣體或蒸氣不同,此種物理性的改變大多伴隨著化學反應,如氧化。燻煙有時會凝聚顆粒變大。有臭味的氣體或蒸氣並非燻煙。燻煙與粉塵不同,主要係在於其形成小粒子的過程有的是化學處理程序、燃燒、爆炸或蒸餾。有些固體當受熱成液態時,會產生蒸氣,該蒸氣上升離開熔融物時,叉立即凝結為固體而未經液態而直接變為固態。燻煙粒徑比粉塵更小,約為0.1至1微米。 FUMIGANT
燻蟲劑 以燻煙消毒或殺除蟲、鼠。


