2013年12月19日 星期四

turn something on its head, pull together

Gone are the days when Korean products could be dismissed as "cheap and cheerful," says Joe Phillippi, an analyst at AutoTrends Consulting. Since the Hyundi Motor Group bought Kia Motors in 1998, to form what is now the world's fourth largest carmaker, "they have totally turned the company on its head" http://econ.st/1hZV60p

Former BBC director general George Entwistle will receive one year's salary, worth £450,000, as part of a pay-off deal, the BBC Trust has said.
He quit on Saturday after a Newsnight report led to a former Tory treasurer being wrongly accused of child abuse.
Acting director general Tim Davie has urged senior corporation managers to "pull together" in the BBC's interests.

One of the most influential venture-capital firms has turned the usual rules of start-up investing on its head, telling entrepreneurs it prefers situations where the founders have controlling stakes.

turn something on its head also stand something on its head
1. to use something in a completely wrong way The basic problem is that your report turns history on its head.
2. to change something completely I really hope that doctors and nurses can pull together and turn the system on its head.
Related vocabulary: turn something inside out

pull together[pull together]

(1) 〈眉が〉ひそめられる.
(2) (仕事で)協力する, 協調する.


