Japan protests Russia's impounding of fishing boat, detention of crew
Japan protests Russia's impounding of fishing boat, detention of crew
Japan says it has lodged a protest with Moscow for its
Barbara Walters became an icon of the broadcasting industry, but her enormous professional success often came at great personal cost. It’s the focus of “The Rulebreaker" by Susan Page.
Just published: front page of the Financial Times, UK edition, Wednesday 13 November https://on.ft.com/2qKzFgs
Audit and consulting split would make Big Four less resilient ...
2019/01/30 - The heads of the Big Four firms have warned the Bsiness, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) committee that ... split non-audit and audit services into separate entities would challenge the firms' resilience as audit services ...
It turns out Banksy isn’t the only one hanging up works by Banksy without permission.
A Belgian court has shut down a Banksy exhibition in Brussels, known as “Banksy Unauthorised,” as questions swirl around who is the rightful owner of the 58 works on view.
Starck worked with Steve Jobs to design a yacht built in Aalsmeer, The Netherlands, and christened on 28 October 2012, "Venus".[33][34] The yacht was impounded by the Port of Amsterdam in December 2012 over a 3m euro disputed bill with the estate of Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs' Yacht Impounded in Amsterdam
Steve Jobs Yacht Embroiled in Pay Dispute
France’s Orphaned Conservatives Seek New Course
PARIS — The Union for a Popular Movement faces a crisis that will play out in a leadership election Nov. 18.
Steven Rattner: China Is Still Strong
China’s economy still pulsates with the confidence of its growing entrepreneurial spirit.
NEW YORK CITY’S current health, from its strong economy and pulsating civic culture to its low crime rates (Wall Street aside) and resilience against disaster, should not be taken for granted.
WFP to resume aid deliveries to Burma at the weekend
The UN has said it will resume aid flights to Burma on Saturday. The
World Food Programme had suspended deliveries to the cyclone struck
country after two aid planes were impounded by the regime on Friday.
In the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, which has left more than a
million people homeless, aid is still only trickling into the
country. The Burmese Foreign Ministry continues to maintain it is
not in a position to receive foreign relief workers, saying it is
responding to the crisis with its own resources. Human rights group
Amnesty International has criticised the junta for going ahead with
a referendum at the weekend that aims to endorse a pro-military
constitution. Amnesty said prioritising a new constitution during a
major catastrophe was a violation of human rights.
Impounded Fathers
Are children left orphaned by U.S. immigration laws?
The plant fibre has incredible strength and resilience.
2 寄る辺のない人, 孤立無援の人[物].
3 ((米俗))製造中止になった機種.
[後ラテン語orphanus (orbus欠乏した+-us=欠乏した者)]

tr.v., im·pound·ed, im·pound·ing, im·pounds.
- To confine in or as if in a pound: capture and impound stray dogs.
- To seize and retain in legal custody: impounding disputed electoral ballots.
- To set aside in a fund rather than spend as prescribed: a governor who impounded monies designated for use by cities.
- To accumulate and store in a reservoir: By damming the stream, the engineers impounded its waters for irrigation.
1 (法的に)押収[没収]する;〈違反車両などを〉撤去保管する.
2 〈家畜などを〉おり[囲い]の中へ入れる, 〈野犬などを〉捕獲する.
3 〈物を〉囲い込む;〈人を〉閉じ込める, 収容する;《法律》〈人を〉監禁[拘留]する.
4 〈物を〉しまい込む, 〈金を〉取っておく, 〈ダムなどが〉〈水などを〉ためる.【動詞】 【他動詞】
用例 |
impound stray cattle 迷い出た牛を囲いに入れる.
用例 |
impound contraband 密輸品を押収する.
impoundment 【名詞】

Their work is monotonous, back-breaking and devastating to the
health. But young men in Myanmar take pride in carrying on the tradition
of gold pounding.
pound2 (pound)

v., pound·ed, pound·ing, pounds. v.tr.
- To strike repeatedly and forcefully. See synonyms at beat.
- To beat to a powder or pulp; pulverize or crush.
- To instill by persistent, emphatic repetition: pounded knowledge into the students' heads.
- To assault with heavy gunfire.
- To strike vigorous, repeated blows: He pounded on the table.
- To move along heavily and noisily: The children pounded up the stairs.
- To pulsate rapidly and heavily; throb: My heart pounded.
- To move or work laboriously: a ship that pounded through heavy seas.
- A heavy blow.
- The sound of a heavy blow; a thump.
- The act of pounding.
pound the pavement Slang.
- To travel the streets on foot, especially in search of work.
[Middle English pounden, alteration of pounen, from Old English pūnian.]
pounder pound'er n.pound3 (pound)

- A public enclosure for the confinement of stray dogs or livestock.
- A place in which impounded property is held until redeemed.
- An enclosure in which animals or fish are trapped or kept.
- A place of confinement for lawbreakers.
To confine in or as if in a pound; impound.
pulsate[pul・sate]発音記号[pʌ'lseit | –
1 〈心臓などが〉脈打つ, 鼓動する. ▼この意味ではbeatがふつう;throbは苦痛を感じさせるほど強く打つこと.
2 (…で)振動する;震える((with ...));脈動する
a pulsating star