2020年1月31日 星期五

insane overuse, popping and smacking, compulsively, antibiotics do not work against viruses, only bacteria.

Q: Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the new coronavirus?
A: No, antibiotics do not work against viruses, only bacteria.
The 2019-nC0V is a virus and, therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment.

The surgeon offered to throw in a surprising perk for a 5-year-old patient: ear piercing. The mother OK'd it, assuming it would be free. Then came the bill.

Unnecessary or needlessly expensive care costs hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Patients, employers and taxpayers are footing the bill.

Overfishing, tourism and pollution are the most immediate perils disrupting reefs’ ecosystems
To protect marine life, the world needs to protect coral reefs
Though pollution and overuse are damaging corals, their biodiversity offers…

《中英對照讀新聞》Chewing gum can lead to wrinkles around mouth: experts 專家:嚼口香糖足以讓嘴巴四週出現皺紋
If you’re a gum chewer, annoying your coworkers with those popping and smacking sounds may be the least of your worries.
More and more evidence is supporting the idea that people who chew gum compulsively are likely to develop wrinkles around their mouth, reports MSNBC.com.
Dr. Joel Schlessinger, a dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon from Omaha, Neb., says that many of his patients who chew gum regularly have developed these wrinkles. "I think the gum is responsible to some degree for it," he told MSNBC.
So what exactly is the connection between gum and wrinkles? Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Hema Sundaram, of Washington, D.C., told MSNBC that chewing gum causes people to overuse their jaw muscles.
"I believe chewing gum promotes muscle over-activity and potentially breaks down support tissue within the skin, contributing to volume loss and perhaps loss of skin elasticity," she said.
compulsively :副詞,強制地;禁不住地。He cleaned his shoes compulsively after every walk. (每次散步之後,他總是忍不住去清理他的鞋子。)
contribute:動詞,意指「促成」。例句:Exercise contributes to better health.(運動可以強身。)

Indeed, during my visit, Dr. Anderson’s 13-year-old daughter, Lily, showed me a MRSA rash inflaming her knee.
“I’ve had it many times,” she said.
So what’s going on here, and where do these antibiotic-resistant infections come from? Probably from the routine use — make that the insane overuse — of antibiotics in livestock feed. This is a system that may help breed virulent “superbugs” that pose a public health threat to us all. That’ll be the focus of my next column, on Sunday.

Sep 23, 12:07 am
"Cloud computing" is the latest buzz term sweeping through the information-technology industry, but it's losing whatever meaning it once had as an increasing number of companies apply the label to their wares.

verb [T]
to use something too often or too much:
I tend to overuse certain favourite expressions.

noun [U]
The overuse of X-rays may be causing 250 deaths each year.

over・use             ━━ vt. …を使いすぎる, 乱用する, 酷使する.━━ n. 使いすぎ,   [さらに]

Consulting Firm Warns Companies Not To Overuse Lean & Six Sigma
NewsReleaseWire.com (press release) - USA
Lean and six sigma are powerful approaches which have generated extraordinary gains for practitioners; however, contrary to Jack Welch's assurances, ...

  1. Having the capacity to compel: a frightening, compulsive novel.
  2. Psychology. Caused or conditioned by compulsion or obsession.
A person with behavior patterns governed by a compulsion.

  • [kəmpʌ'lsiv]
1 〈人・行為などが〉何かに駆り立てられたような, やむにやまれぬ;精力的な
a compulsive drinker
2 〈本・番組などが〉人の心をとらえて離さない
compulsive reading
3 《心理学》衝動強迫の;強迫観念に支配された
a compulsive eating disorder
You're compulsive.
4 強制的な, 無理じいの.


