2025年3月12日 星期三

ford, fording a stream after finding a checkpoint.on the back foot, one-time, kingmaker, free press, opening, circumscribe

Jedediah Britton-Purdy and MacRae Linton fording a stream after finding a checkpoint.Jedediah Britton-Purdy 和 MacRae Linton 在找到檢查站後涉過一條小溪。Credit...

Religious protesters are demanding the resignation of the prime minister, but they are unlikely to get it

 The bad news is that would-be reformers are clearly on the back foot. The Shanghai trade zone holds out the prospect of only limited exemptions from capital controls and circumscribed opportunities for foreign banks to compete for Chinese customers.

《中英對照讀新聞》Phone hacking provides opening for Britain’s Miliband 電話竊聽案提供了英國工黨領袖米勒班大好良機
After months on the back foot, British opposition leader Ed Miliband has found his voice with the phone hacking row, leading the charge against one-time political kingmaker Rupert Murdoch.
Responding to the announcement that Murdoch’s News Corp. had bowed to political pressure over the hacking and withdrawn its offer for pay-TV giant BSkyB, Miliband said it was a victory for a scandalised public.
But others have noted that it has also been a good week for Miliband, who had been criticised for a slow start since he beat his older and better-known brother David to the Labour leadership in September 2010.
"A Labour leader is born", the left-leaning Independent newspaper said in an editorial recently, while the conservative Daily Telegraph declared that "Ed Miliband’s moment has come -- as defender of a free press".
It was at Miliband’s request that Prime Minister David Cameron announced a public inquiry into the claims that the News of the World hacked the phone of a murdered teenager, and it was the Labour leader who tabled a motion in parliament calling on News Corp. to withdraw its offer for BSkyB.

Fording a river

  1. 1.
    a shallow place in a river or stream allowing one to walk or drive across.
    synonyms:crossing place, crossingcauseway
  1. 1.
    (of a person or vehicle) cross (a river or stream) at a shallow place.

opening:An opportunity affording a chance of success.
名詞,指機會、成功的好時機,如She waited patiently for her opening, then exposed the report’s inconsistency.(她耐心等待機會來臨,然後一舉揭發報告中的矛盾處。)
on the back foot:英式俚語,指採取防守姿勢,居於不利地位,如Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is "on the back foot", UK Defence Secretary Liam Fox says, citing new momentum in Nato’s air campaign.(英國國防部長福克斯舉北約空襲的全新氣勢表示,利比亞領袖格達費已經「居於劣勢」。)

 (idiomatic) In a defensive posture; off-balance.

on the back foot at a disadvantage; outmanoeuvred or outclassed by an opponent they were on the back foot directly from the kick-off

bow to sb/sth:指(在不情願的情況下)向某人或某事屈服,如Eventually the government was forced to bow to public pressure and reform the tax.(政府終究還是被迫向民意壓力屈服,決定改革稅制。)


Syllabification: (cir·cum·scribe)
Pronunciation: /ˈsərkəmˌskrīb/verb
[with object]
  • 1restrict (something) within limits:their movements were strictly monitored and circumscribed
  • 2 Geometry draw (a figure) around another, touching it at points but not cutting it. Compare with inscribe.



noun circumscription



late Middle English: from Latin circumscribere, from circum 'around' + scribere 'write'


