2013年7月14日 星期日

Messrs.,stroke, heatstroke, racing pulse, Mr. Fitness, angina

 A study at Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine concluded that the drug, developed to treat high blood pressure, could also help to prevent strokes and angina.

A Golf Great Works to Stay Fit, Well Over 50
South African golfer Gary Player earned the nickname Mr. Fitness in the 1950s because of his impressive dedication to exercise. Today, at age 75, the nickname still fits.

Spotting and Taming Signs of Heatstroke
Exercising outside can be one of the great pleasures of summer. But a sweaty body and racing pulse may be signaling more than your performance—it could be a sign of life-threatening heatstroke.

Japan's heatstroke deaths take big jump
San Francisco Chronicle
Men use fans in Tokyo, Japan, on Tuesday, July 12, 2011. Temperatures in eastern Japan, including Tokyo, were 3.8 degrees higher than the 30-year average in the last 10 days of June, according to Hajime Takayama, a forecaster at Japan's weather agency. ...

Couch potato pill may also prevent heatstroke 沙發馬鈴薯藥丸或也能預防中暑


Mes • srs., ((英))Mes • srs
[名]Mr. の複数形. ▼主に社名に用いる
Messrs. Jones, Lee & Company

[名][U]《病理学》1 アンギナ, 咽喉(いんこう)痛.2 =angina pectoris.
angina pectoris



  • 1an act of hitting or striking someone or something; a blow:he received three strokes of the cane
  • a method of striking the ball in sports or games.
  • Golf an act of hitting the ball with a club, as a unit of scoring:won by two strokes
  • the sound made by a striking clock.
  • 2an act of moving one’s hand or an object across a surface, applying gentle pressure:massage the cream into your skin using light upward strokes
  • a mark made by drawing a pen, pencil, or paintbrush in one direction across paper or canvas:the paint had been applied in careful, regular strokes
  • a line forming part of a written or printed character.
  • a short printed or written diagonal line typically separating characters or figures.
  • 3a movement, especially one of a series, in which something moves out of its position and back into it; a beat:the ray swam with effortless strokes of its huge wings
  • the whole motion of a piston in either direction.
  • the rhythm to which a series of repeated movements is performed:the rowers sing to keep their stroke
  • a movement of the arms and legs forming one of a series in swimming.
  • style of moving the arms and legs in swimming:front crawl is a popular stroke
  • (in rowing) the mode or action of moving the oar.
  • (also stroke oar) the oar or oarsman nearest the stern of a boat, setting the timing for the other rowers.
4a sudden disabling attack or loss of consciousness caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain, especially through thrombosis.

A dangerously high body temperature (hyperthermia) — above 41°C or 106 °F — which may be accompanied by coma or convulsions, and requires emergency life-saving measures. The body has passed the limit of its heat-losing mechanisms. It may follow from the less serious condition of heat exhaustion due to excessive sweating and dehydration during heat exposure, usually with heavy work or exercise in a hot environment.
— Stuart Judge


