2013年12月17日 星期二

specs, accompanied fugue, call center

On fame after Lawrence Of Arabia
"I woke up one morning to find I was famous. I bought a white Rolls-Royce and drove down Sunset Boulevard, wearing dark specs and a white suit, waving like the Queen Mum."


今天讀自由時報記者趙靜瑜『貝多芬172萬美金手稿《大復格曲》 巴夏將與NSO合作演出』--第一次讀到「復格」,查國立編譯館之學術名詞,才知道「音樂詞語」和「舞蹈名詞」使用不同漢字。資料如下:
Accompanied fugue 有伴奏複格
Chorale fugue 聖詠複格曲
Close fugue 緊複格
Double fugue 二主題複格
Four part fugue 四部複格
fugue 複格曲
Octave fugue 八度複格
Quadruple fugue 四主題複格
Real fugue 真答復格
Ricercare fugue 無插入複格
Simple fugue 單複格
Strict fugue 嚴格複格
Three-part fugue 三部複格
Tonal fugue 本調複格
Triple fugue 三主題複格
Two-part fugue 二部複格
fugue 復格曲
THE fugue 復格
fugue fugue語言
Tinyfugue 客戶端遊戲

Cost Center Call Center
cost center (コストセンター, 原価中心点) :要用到企業的資源,就需要分攤其成本,所以用一種單位來分攤的方式,該單位就是一Cost centre
Cost centers are divisions that add to the cost of the organization, but only indirectly add to the profit of the company. Examples include Research and Development, Marketing and Customer service. A cost center is often identified with a speed type number.
許多企業中有一種很特殊的成本中心叫CALL CENTER,它是以服務(準)顧客之提問、抱怨等等為主旨。不過許多行業的call center必須許多人來做,成本不菲,此外,服務品質等問題多多(例如近日的Dell Computer公司稽查之後,發現這方面每況育愈下……)
AOL to Lay Off 7% of Work Force
AOL is laying off about 1,300 employees, or 7% of its world-wide work force, as it eliminates call-center jobs.
As Peter Drucker observed shortly before his death, the savviest way for future companies to go is probably to outsource all functions that do not lead to a ...

The term specs can refer to:


