2017年10月17日 星期二

teaser, obtest, beseech, brain-teasing, brain teaser

M. C. Escher (1898-1972): graphic artist with the brain-teasing prints

Daddy, I beseech you to stop smoking before it is too late.

  1. 1.
    a tricky question or task.
    "the teams get the chance to pose the opposition some teasers"
  2. 2.
    a person who makes fun of or provokes others in a playful or unkind way.

A brain teaser is a form of puzzle that requires thought to solve. It often requires thinking in unconventional ways with given constraints in mind; sometimes it also involves lateral thinking. Logic puzzles and riddles are specific types of brain teasers.


Syllabification: (be·seech)
Pronunciation: /biˈsēCH/
Translate beseech | into Italian | into Spanish

verb (pastand past participle besought /-ˈsôt/ or beseeched)

[reporting verb] literary
  • ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat: [with object and infinitive]:they beseeched him to stay 
    [with object]:they earnestly beseeched his forgiveness  
    [with object and direct speech]:“You have got to believe me,” Gloria beseeched him (as adjective beseeching)a beseeching gaze





Middle English: from be- (as an intensifier) + Old English sēcan (see seek)

obtest (ob-TEST)

verb tr.1. To invoke as a witness.
2. To implore or beseech.
verb intr. 3. To protest.
4. To plead.

From Latin obtestari (to implore, affirm, protest), from ob- (on, over), from testari (to bear witness or to make a will), from testis (witness). Ultimately from the Indo-European root trei- (three), which is also the source of three, sitar, trivia (from trivium, place where three roads meet), trivial, troika, trivet, testimony, testament, attest, testify (to be the third person: to bear witness), triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13), tercel (the male of a hawk), and trammel (restraint, shackle, net). Earliest documented use: 1548.

"But I obtest, dear readers, I know nothing of any previous correspondence." — Peter Hawes; Turakina Beach, Village of Thieves?; Manawatu Standard (New Zealand); Jul 8, 2008.

[ɑbtést | ɔb-]
1 …を証人として呼ぶ.
2 …に嘆願[懇願]する.


