H. G. Wells的英文文法的問題: 主格関係代名詞nominative relative pronown
“The Work, Wealth, And Happiness Of Mankind” (H. G. Wells)
這本書的要點有:威爾斯論人類問題 台北:進學 1971 (可能是中國的版本 無譯者名)
As his novels indicate, Wells was hostile to the Victorian social and moral orders. His criticism became explicit as his involvement with radical causes grew. Wells as prophet wrote Anticipations (1901), Mankind in the Making (1903), and A Modern Utopia (1905). He joined the Fabian Society, a socialist group that included George Bernard Shaw and Sydney Webb, in 1903; after an unsuccessful attempt four years later to turn Fabianism to mass propaganda and political action, Wells resigned. The New Machiavelli (1911), a novel, was a response to his experience in the society.
我查胡適與 H. G. Wells
結果是胡適 (1915)指他1911年的小說有文法問題 nominative relative pronown 的用法問題
胡適日記全集 - Google 圖書結果
二六、韋兒斯行文有誤 HG Wells seems to have the habit of omitting the nominative relative pronoun "that" or "which" after the impersonal "it". ...---
這英文文法的問題或許是小(非) 問題
Instead, welcher/e/es may be used, which is seen to be more formal, and only common in interdependent multi-relative clauses, or as a mnemonic to German pupils to learn to distinguish das from daß (it is the first of these if you can say dieses, jenes or welches instead). The relative pronoun (文法》関係代名詞 )is never omitted in German. On the other hand, in English, the phrase
The young woman I invited for coffee yesterday is my cousin's fiancée.
completely omits the use of a relative pronoun.- nominative
- [形]1 《文法》主格の;主語の.2 指名[推薦, 任命]された.3 〈証券などが〉記名の.━━[名]《文法》主格;主語;主格形態.