Watch this road-rage incident escalate to a #StarWars-style fight
Audio Slide Show: The Whole Hog
Scott’s Variety Store and Bar-B-Q in Hemingway, S.C., offers all the rural tropes of a signal American barbecue joint.
road rage:片語,指開車時態度囂張,罔顧交通規定,或對其他駕駛人和行人造成威脅的行為。 sudden violent anger provoked in a motorist by the actions of another driver.
Polish Catholic Church to pray against road rage 波蘭天主教會將祈禱避免開車時發飆
Poland’s Catholic Church will hold a day of prayer for the nation’s drivers in an attempt to use the Christian spirit to quell road rage.
Pigs might fly
MeaningA humourous/sarcastic remark, used to indicate the unlikeliness of some event or to mock the credulity of others. For example, "I might make a start on papering the back bedroom tomorrow". "Yes, and pigs might fly".
That is as likely as to see an Hog fly.
hog the road DISAPPROVING
to drive so that other vehicles cannot go past
whole hog
The whole way; the fullest extent: went the whole hog and ordered dessert.
Completely; unreservedly: swallowed the official version whole hog.