2016年4月3日 星期日

unlikely hero, hardboiled anti-heroes, cameo role, walk-on, roguish

The anti-hero of the "Flashman" books was a liar, cheat and coward with whom George MacDonald Fraser savagely satirised the whole British imperial enterprise

George MacDonald Fraser was born on April 2nd, 1925

Central Bank Becomes an Unlikely Hero in Euro Crisis

Banks have used quiet emergency loans from the European Central Bank, which has resisted buying up government debt in its own right, to come to their governments’ rescue.

《中英對照讀新聞》Woody Allen: Sarkozy could play hardboiled role like Bogart 伍迪艾倫說:薩科茲可扮演亨佛萊鮑嘉型的硬漢角色

Film director Woody Allen could see French President Nicolas Sarkozy playing a role like those of Humphrey Bogart, who was famous for his cynical and hardboiled anti-heroes.
Allen has already directed Sarkozy’s wife, supermodel turned singer Carla Bruni, in a cameo role in his latest movie "Midnight in Paris", which will premiere next month at the Cannes Fim Festival in southern France.
Asked by the French weekly "Journal du Dimanche" whether he could imagine casting Sarkozy himself in a future production, Allen said he could.
"If such an idea ever came into my head, I could no doubt find him work. I could see him in a Bogart type role," he said.
Allen also denied a rumour that, following her walk-on part in Midnight in Paris, Bruni might take a meatier role in his next movie, insisting she had no plans to become an actress and had taken the previous role for fun.

hard-boiled:形容詞,煮得老的,口語用法中引申為指不動感情的、強硬的、務實的,例句︰He’s a hard–boiled drill sergeant.(他是個作風強硬的教育班長。)

  1. Cooked by boiling in the shell to a solid consistency. Used of eggs.
  2. Callous; unfeeling.
  3. Unsentimental and practical; tough.
also an·ti-he·ro (ăn'tē-hîr'ō, ăn'tī-) pronunciation
n., pl., -roes, also -roes.
A main character in a dramatic or narrative work who is characterized by a lack of traditional heroic qualities, such as idealism or courage.

Unlikely heroes are simply characters who may not be conspicuously flawed, but simply ordinary people thrust into extraordinary circumstances.

cameo: 名詞,原指有浮雕的貝殼(或瑪瑙等),文中指客串演出,也常稱為 cameo role。例句︰He appears briefly towards the end of the film in a cameo role as a priest.(他在影片快結束前,客串演出了教士的角色。)

cameo(kăm'ē-ō') pronunciation
n., pl., -os.
    1. A gem or shell carved in relief, especially one in which the raised design and the background consist of layers of contrasting colors.
    2. The technique of carving in this way.
    3. A medallion with a profile cut in raised relief.
  1. A brief vivid portrayal or depiction: a literary cameo.
  2. A brief appearance of a prominent actor, as in a single scene of a motion picture. Also called cameo role.

v., -oed, -o·ing, -os. v.tr.
  1. To make into or like a gem or shell carved in relief.
  2. To portray in sharp, delicate relief, as in a literary composition.
To make a brief appearance, as in a film: She cameoed as Anne Boleyn in A Man for All Seasons.

[Italian cameo and Middle English cameu (from Old French camaieu and and Medieval Latin camahūtus).]

1 カメオ彫り(宝石・貝殻などに施す浮き彫り);カメオ.
2 (文学・劇での)山場, さわり.
3 (映画などの一場面に限られた)名優の登場;スターの顔見せ場面(cameo role).

walk-on:名詞,(戲劇的)跑龍套角色,尤指沒有台詞的臨時演員。(wôk'ŏn', -ôn')
  1. A minor role in a theatrical production, usually without speaking lines.
  2. A performer playing such a role.

meaty:形容詞,內容豐富的、有趣的,例句︰This time she has been given a more meaty role in the film.(這次她在片中被給予一個更重要的角色。)


