2024年1月4日 星期四

raw, drag, Drag Shows, drag out, in drag, drag on, drag racer, fishgig, work up, hate mail .“RuPaul's Drag Race,”

Tennessee Becomes First State to Ban Drag Shows on Public Property

The law, which takes effect later this year, will also make it illegal to perform the shows in places where they could be viewed by minors.

A dragged-out epidemic in America means longer disruption to the economy and ordinary lives. It also makes the disease easier to fight

The British Library
A milestone anniversary in New York City, stories of love and identity in wartime Britain, and the drag queens and kings making library story hours fabulous. Drag Queen Story Time, UKBolton Library and Museum Services and NYPL The New York Public Library are all #AnythingButSilent in this month's podcast: http://ow.ly/bCwk50uINg2
A rare photo of Alfred Hitchcock in drag, 1957.

See photos of fast and furious drag racers from the 1950s. Ralph Crane—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images.http://ti.me/18iAIpz

Hate Mail and the New Religious Wars in Tech
How could something as inanimate, mass-produced and commoditized as a cellphone get people worked up enough to send hate mail to a tech reviewer?
Christopher Gregory for The New York Times

Facebook Keeps Family Rifts Feeling Raw

Estranged relatives can get vivid glimpses of one another’s lives through Facebook updates and Twitter feeds. Jessica, above, is not speaking to her father.

Japan may look to extend the 12-mile evacuation zone around the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, as the crisis there drags on, the government's top spokesman said.

drag out

來自台灣的 Nymphia Wind 妮妃雅 將成為第一位參加魯保羅變裝皇后秀的參賽者。節目第16季將於1月5日首播,屆時妮妃雅將與其他13位參賽者一同爭取「下一位變裝超級巨星」的頭銜。讓我們一起為Nymphia加油打氣
▎The U.S.-born, Taiwan-raised drag queen Nymphia Wind 妮妃雅 will make history as the first contestant from Taiwan on “RuPaul's Drag Race,” the iconic reality TV show that has been setting global trends since 2009.
The 16th season is set to premiere on Jan. 6 in Taiwan (or Jan. 5 in the U.S.), and will feature Nymphia and 13 other contestants competing for the coveted title of “Next Drag Superstar.” Let's rooting for Nymphia together. 🙌
drag raceLine breaks: drag race

Definition of drag race in English:


A race between two cars over a short distance, usually a quarter of a mile, as a test of acceleration.
drag racer
work up
1.  Arouse emotions; see worked up.
2.  Increase one's skill, status, or responsibility through effort, as in He worked up to 30 sit-ups a day, or She worked up to bank manager. Also see work one's way. [Second half of 1600s]
3.  Intensify gradually, as in The film worked up to a thrilling climax. [Second half of 1600s]
4.  Develop or produce by effort, as in Swimming always works up an appetite. [Second half of 16


v., dragged, drag·ging, drags. v.tr.
  1. To pull along with difficulty or effort; haul: dragged the heavy box out of the way. See synonyms at pull.
  2. To cause to trail along a surface, especially the ground.
  3. Computer Science.
    1. To move (a pointing device, such as a mouse) while pressing down on one of its buttons.
    2. To move (an element of a graphical display) on a computer screen using a pointing device.
  4. To move or bring by force or with great effort: had to drag him to the dentist; dragged the truth out of the reluctant witness.
    1. To search or sweep the bottom of (a body of water), as with a grappling hook or dragnet.
    2. To bring up or catch by such means.
  5. To prolong tediously: dragged the story out.
  6. Baseball. To hit (a bunt) while taking the first steps toward first base.
  7. To break up, rake, or smooth out (land or dirt), especially by pulling a drag or heavy mesh: dragged the infield between innings.
  1. To trail along the ground: The dog's leash dragged on the sidewalk.
  2. To move slowly or with effort.
  3. To lag behind.
  4. To pass or proceed slowly, tediously, or laboriously: The time dragged as we waited.
  5. Computer Science. To move a pointing device while pressing down on one of its buttons.
  6. To search or dredge the bottom of a body of water: dragging for the sunken craft.
  7. To take part in or as if in a drag race.
  8. To draw on a cigarette, pipe, or cigar.
  1. The act of dragging.
  2. Something, such as a harrow or an implement for spreading manure, that is dragged along the ground.
  3. A device, such as a grappling hook, that is used for dragging under water.
  4. A heavy sledge or cart for hauling loads.
  5. A large four-horse coach with seats inside and on top.
  6. Something, such as a sea anchor or a brake on a fishing reel, that retards motion.
  7. One that impedes or slows progress; a drawback or burden: the drag of taxation on economic growth.
  8. The degree of resistance involved in dragging or hauling.
  9. The retarding force exerted on a moving body by a fluid medium such as air or water.
  10. A slow, laborious motion or movement.
    1. The scent or trail of a fox or another animal.
    2. Something that provides an artificial scent.
  11. Slang. One that is obnoxiously tiresome: The evening was a real drag.
  12. A puff on a cigarette, pipe, or cigar.
  13. Slang. A street or road: the town's main drag.
  14. The clothing characteristic of one sex when worn by a member of the opposite sex: an actor in drag.
Of, relating to, or being a person wearing clothing characteristic of the opposite sex: a drag performer; a drag show.

drag (one's) feet (or heels)
  1. To act or work with intentional slowness; delay.
[Middle English draggen, from Old Norse draga or variant of Middle English drawen; see draw.]
[動](〜ged, ((非標準))drug;〜・ging)(他)[III[名]([副])]
(1) 〈重い物を〉引っ張る, 引きずる((away));〈足などを〉引きずる((along)). ⇒DRAW[類語]
drag a table over to the door
(2) ((〜 -self))重い足を引きずって歩く((along))
drag oneself home
2 ((略式))〈人を〉(意志に反する状況・行動に)引きずり込む((into ...));〈人を〉(会合などに)引っ張り出す((out/to ...))
He dragged me into a fruitless discussion.
I dragged myself to the party.
3 (引き網などを引いて)〈場所を〉探る;〈川などを〉(…を捜して)さらう((for ...));〈真実を〉(人から)(無理にでも)聞き出す((out of ...))
They dragged the river for the body of the drowned boy.
I dragged the truth out of him.
4 〈土地を〉(まぐわ・すきで)すいてならす.
5 《コンピュータ》ドラッグする:ボタンを押したままでマウスの位置を動かす.
1 引っ張られる, 引きずられる.
2 地面を引きずる((along ...))
Her silken gown dragged (along) behind her.
3 重そうに動く, 骨折って進む
The door drags.
4 〈時間・会議などが〉のろのろ進む, だらだら長引く((on));〈調子・テンポなどが〉遅れる
The negotiations dragged on until July.
5 引き網[ひっかけ錨(いかり)]を引く;水底をさらう.
6 ((略式))(タバコを)吸う((on, at ...))
drag on one's cigar
drag ... down/drag down ...
(1) ((略式))…を引きずり落とす;((比喩))〈人を〉堕落させる.
(2) 〈病気・批判などが〉〈人を〉弱らせる, がっくりさせる.
(3) ((俗))〈給料を〉取る;〈仕事が〉〈金を〉もたらす, 生み出す.
drag in
(1) 余計な口を差し挾む.
(2) ((米俗))現れる.
[drag ... in/drag in ...]
You always drag in your past love affairs.
drag ... out/drag out ...
drag a meeting out for three long hours
drag ... up/drag up ...
(1) …を引っ張り上げる;〈木などを〉引き抜く.
(2) 〈いやな話題などを〉蒸し返す.
(3) ((通例受身))((英略式・時におどけて))〈子供を〉いいかげんに育てる.
1 ((a 〜))((略式))退屈きわまる人, 退屈な[うんざりする]もの[こと];((英略式))退屈な長旅.
(1) (…の)じゃま物[者], 障害物, 足手まとい, 押し下げ[阻害]要因((on, upon ...))
a drag on one's career
(2) [U](車に対する)風圧, 空気抵抗;《航空》抗力
a drag parachute
3 ((俗))タバコ[パイプ]を吸うこと, (タバコの)一服
take a drag on [of] one's cigarette
4 [U]((略式))(演劇などの)女装;女装パーティー, 男装.
5 ((主に米略式))通り, 道路
the main drag
6 [C][U]引っ張る[引きずる]こと;のろのろした動き[進行], 遅滞.
7 《海事》さぐり錨, 引き網, 地引き網;《農業》大まぐわ.
8 大そり;(屋根の上にも座席が設けてある)4頭立て馬車;(車輪の)輪止め;((俗))自動車.
9 《狩り》(キツネなどの)臭跡;遺臭;(猟犬訓練用の)擬臭跡.
10 《釣り》リールの制動装置;水の流れによる釣り糸の横引き.
11 [U]((時にa 〜))((米俗))(…への)影響力, 手づる, 縁故, ひいき, コネ((with ...)).
12 ((米俗))(デート相手の)女の子.
13 ((米俗))=drag race.
14 《鋳造》下型.

he slang term "drag" refers to the wearing of clothing of the opposite sex (cross-dressing), and may be used as a noun as in the expression in drag, or as an adjective asin drag show.

in drag
dress up in drag
━━[副]((俗))女の子を連れて, 女性同伴で.
a drag party
a drag queen
[スカンジナビア語あるいは古英語方言形draggen. △DRAW


  1. Uncooked: raw meat.
    1. Being in a natural condition; not processed or refined: raw wool. See synonyms at crude.
    2. Not finished, covered, or coated: raw wood. See synonyms at rude.
    3. Not having been subjected to adjustment, treatment, or analysis: raw data; the raw cost of production.
  2. Untrained and inexperienced: raw recruits.
  3. Recently finished; fresh: raw plaster.
  4. Having subcutaneous tissue exposed: a raw wound.
  5. Inflamed; sore: a raw throat.
  6. Unpleasantly damp and chilly: raw weather.
  7. Cruel and unfair: a raw punishment.
  8. Outspoken; crude: a raw portrayal of truth.
  9. Powerfully impressive; stark: raw beauty; raw talent.
  10. Nude; naked.
idiom:in the raw
  1. In a crude or unrefined state: nature in the raw.
  2. Nude; naked.
[Middle English, from Old English hrēaw.]
rawly raw'ly adv.
rawness raw'ness n.

1 料理していない, 生(なま)
a raw onion
eat oysters raw
2 ((通例限定))加工していない, 未精製の, 原料のままの;((主に米))〈酒などが〉未熟な;〈フィルムが〉露光していない
raw silk
raw data
raw milk
raw whisky
[類語]raw自然のままで加工されていない. crude自然または未加工の状態で, 洗練または完成されていない:a crude design素案.
3 皮がむけた, ひりひりする;〈傷などが〉口をあけた;〈山はだなどが〉むき出しの
touch [hit] a raw nerve [spot
人の痛いところをつく, 神経を逆なでする
Her hands are raw from the cold.
4 〈人が〉洗練されていない;粗野な;〈文体などが〉生硬な
a raw remark
5 ((通例限定))無知な;未熟な, 未経験の
a raw apprentice
be raw in one's occupation
6 露骨な;((米略式))下品な, わいせつな.
7 ひどい;不当な, 不公平な.
8 〈空気・風などが〉湿っぽくて冷たい, きびしい
a raw wind
9 裸の;できたての.
1 すり傷, 赤肌, すりむけた箇所;((the 〜))((比喩))痛い所, 弱点
touch [hitcatch] a person on the raw
2 ((しばしば〜s))未精製品(粗糖・原油など);未加工品, 原料.
in the raw
(1) 生の, 未加工[未精製]の, ありのままの
life in the raw
(2) ((略式))裸の[で].
[名][U]生, 未熟;(傷などが)ひりひりすること, 赤肌;((時にa 〜))うすら寒さ.


fishgig(noun) An implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish.
Synonyms:lance, spear
Usage:I gently slid the salmon off my fishgig and passed it to my son, who placed it with the rest of the day's catch.

A pronged instrument for spearing fish.

[Alteration (influenced by FISH) of obsolete fisgig, from Spanish fisga, ultimately from Latin fīxus, fixed. See fix.]


DVI24+5 Female DIP straight 180° with fishgig plug connector pin OEM adapter connector



DVI24+5    Female  DIP straight  180° with fishgig   plug  connector pin   OEM   adapter connector Description:

DVI 24+5 180° DIP famale with fishgig is always used in Computers,Cables,printing machine,measuring instruments and other Electronic device.
DVI 24+5 180° DIP famale with fishgig is also used as spare parts in PC,the peripheral interface device of computer,which has excellent sensitivity in Data transport speed and compatible with other connectors series.
It has inherited some advantages of traditional connectors ,such as hot plugging in&out and plug&play,and became the standard interface of data transport.
All of which come up to SONY SS-00259 and EUROPE ROHS environment-friendly requirements.


