2024年3月25日 星期一

shell corporation/company. deadly shelling, teeter/ teeter-totter; unravel, popular referendum, torturous. fabulous. billion infusion. A Republican megadonor is the biggest shareholder in the shell company that merged with Trump Media

Buildings teeter in Taiwan after earthquake

Taiwan mulls nuclear plant referendum
South China Morning Post
Taiwan's Premier Jiang Yi-hua said for the first time on Monday that the government may support a referendum on the island's half-completed and hugely controversial fourth nuclear power plant. The plant, in the coastal Kungliao district near the ...

Sky-High 'Front Heels' Teeter on the Edge of Fashion
By Terri Pous The "Scary Beautiful" shoes look more torturous than fabulous when worn

Taiwan group vows referendum to block US beef
TAIPEI — A Taiwanese rights advocacy group on Sunday vowed to push for a referendum in a bid to block the import of more US beef products over health ...

Greek Revolt on Bailout Vote May Oust Prime Minister

An emergency cabinet meeting called by Prime Minister George Papandreou ended with the cabinet supporting him and endorsing a referendum on the bailout.

Government in Greece Teeters After Move on Referendum

Lawmakers rebelled against Prime Minister George Papandreou’s surprise call for a popular referendum on a new debt deal to lenders, raising fears that Greece could be headed for default.

deadly shelling

As Shelling Continues, Assad Offers Syria Vote

The referendum is set for later this month but has done little to stop the ongoing violence.

North and South Korea To Hold Talks
It's the first time the two nations will sit down together since tensions simmered over the deadly shelling of Yeonpeong Island in November.

Condo ownership in the Time Warner Center reflects the rising use of shell companies to buy high-end real estate. CreditTodd Heisler/The New York Times


  1. Shell corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    shell corporation is a company which serves as a vehicle for business transactions without itself having any significant assets or operations. Some shell  ...

n. 1. an explosive artillery projectile or bomb: the sound of the shell passing over, followed by the explosion | shell holes.
2. a hollow metal or paper case used as a container for fireworks, explosives, or cartridges.
3. a cartridge.
bombard with shells: the guns started shelling their positions.

referendum 公投
━━ n.pl. 〜s, ref・er・en・da ) 国民投票; (外交官の)本国政府あて請訓書.
popular referendum 全民公投

━━ n.pl. 〜s, ref・er・en・da 〔-də〕 ) 国民投票; (外交官の)本国政府あて請訓書.

ref·er·en·dum (rĕf'ə-rĕn'dəm) pronunciation
n., pl., -dums, or -da (-də).
    1. The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statute to a direct popular vote.
    2. Such a vote.
  1. A note from a diplomat to the diplomat's government requesting instructions.
[Latin, neuter gerundive of referre, to refer. See refer.]

Yemen teeters as Libya loses the fight for its skies
Yemen's president saw his control of the country unravel quickly as most of his military commanders joined the political opposition on Monday.

動詞 不穩
1 ふらつく, よろよろ歩く.
2 シーソー遊びをする.
be teetering on the edge [the brink] of ...
今にも…が起こりそうである, に瀕(ひん)している.
1 ((米))=teetertotter.
2 上下の動き;動揺;((比喩))(選択に際しての)心の迷い.

An unstable platform used to test balance.

[動](〜ed, 〜・ing;((英))〜led, 〜・ling)(他)
1 〈糸などを〉解く, ほどく, ほぐす;〈くしゃくしゃになった物を〉伸ばす.
2 …を解明[解決]する
unravel a riddle
3 〈計画などを〉だめにする, つぶす.
━━(自)解ける, ほぐれる, ほつれる;解明される;〈経済・計画・社会・精神などが〉だめになる, 破綻(はたん)する.


