Groups tracking right-wing extremist organizations have said preparations for more violence are underway, and the FBI was warning of possible armed protests at state capitol buildings beginning Jan. 17 and through the inauguration, an official with knowledge of a bulletin told USA TODAY.
Nevada is positioning itself to become the first state to allow Internet poker games within its borders, a move that comes as online-gambling laws are being debated in statehouses and in Congress.
Wal-Mart, Target and other large retailers are ratcheting up a political campaign to force Amazon to collect sales taxes, sensing opportunity in the budget crises gripping statehouses nationwide.
also state house (stāt'hous') statehouse とは【意味】州議事堂... 【例文】We visited the Statehouse on a field trip.... 「statehouse」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio英和・和英辞書.