On George Orwell’s birthday, revisit James Wood on the author’s life and writing, which encompassed a series of intellectual and biographical contradictions: http://nyer.cm/ZfwVSv7
Ancient navigation
Crystal gazing
A mineral found in a shipwreck was an ancient form of compass
Father’s Day Reading: Gentlemen, Start Your Kindles
Some books about cars and motorsports can be very specific and some very
broad. Here, in time for Father’s Day gift buying, is a selection of
five recent titles that encompass just such a range.
The country that invented the compass羅盤, gunpowder and printing is also challenging America in the innovation stakes. We estimate that in 2011 more patents were granted to residents in China than in America. The quality of some Chinese patents may be dubious but they will surely improve. The World Economic Forum’s “World Competitiveness Report” ranks China 31st out of 142 countries on the quality of its maths and science education, well ahead of America’s 51st place. China’s external financial clout also beats America’s hands down. It has total net foreign assets of $2 trillion; America has net debts of $2.5 trillion.
Quoits (koits, kwoits) is a traditional game which involves the throwing of metal, rope or rubber rings over a set distance, usually to land over or near a spike (sometimes called a hob, mott or pin). The sport of Quoits encompasses several distinct variations.
The Economic Stabilization Agency canceled the price increases made by Ford, General Motors and Chrysler in the last few days, and this was merely the harbinger of many new controls that eventually will encompass the entire economy.
tr.v., -passed, -pass·ing, -pass·es.
- To form a circle or ring around; surround. See synonyms at surround.
- To enclose; envelop.
- To constitute or include: a survey that encompassed a wide range of participants.
- To accomplish; achieve.
- compass
- [名]1 コンパス, 磁石, 羅針盤[儀] the compass points羅針盤の32方位 go by [follow] the compass羅針盤を頼りに進む.2 ((通例〜es))(...
- compass card
- (羅針盤の)指針面, 羅牌(はい).
- compass rose
- 《海事》羅針図.
- compass saw
- 《木工》挽回(ひきまわし)のこ, 回しびきのこ.
- compass window
- 《建築》半円形の出窓.
- crystal
- [名]1 [U]水晶;(氷のように)澄んだ透明な鉱石[ガラス].2 水晶製品;(水晶占いに使う)水晶球;水晶に似たもの(氷・水・涙・目など) read [look into]a crystal未...
- crystal ball
- (水晶占いで使う)水晶球;予測, 占い.
- crystal clear
- 1 明瞭(めいりょう)な, あやふやでない.2 〈ガラス・水・音が〉澄みきった.crýstal clárity
- crystal detector
- 《無線》鉱石検波器.
- crystal gazer
- 水晶占い師.
- crystal gazing
- [U]水晶占い(scrying);予言.crýstal gàzer水晶占い師.
- crystal glass
- [U]クリスタルガラス.
- crystal healing
- クリスタル・セラピー:各種の結晶を体に当てる療法.
- crystal lattice
- 《物理学》結晶格子.
- Crystal Night
- 水晶の夜:1938年11月9日のベルリン市内でのユダヤ人街襲撃事件.