Trump Spoke to Witnesses About Matters They Discussed With Special Counsel
Experts say the conversations most likely do not constitute witness tampering, but they show how the president has ignored advice to avoid the appearance of interfering.
Taiwan Justice Minister Refutes Claims He Meddled in Case Wall Street Journal
TAIPEI—Taiwan Justice Minister Tseng Yung-fu on Friday refuted allegations of meddling in the prosecution of a legislator over embezzlement charges and said ...
Frankenfish Phobia
We should think twice before messing with nature, in big ways or small.
Taiwan opposition claims China interfering in polls
TAIPEI — Taiwan's main opposition claimed Sunday that Beijing was colluding with the country's China-friendly government to ensure its re-election in January polls, triggering a rebuttal from the ruling party.The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), less friendly with the mainland than the ruling Kuomintang, said China was actively backing President Ma Ying-Jeou's re-election bid as the parties are locked in a close race ahead of the vote.
"As of now China has adopted five plans to help the Kuomintang, either in public or in secret. There's only one purpose for this, and that is to help Ma Ying-jeou get re-elected," party spokesman Chen Chi-mai told reporters.
Chen said that China had timed trade moves to coincide with the polls, sending dozens of procurement delegations to Taiwan this year to buy billions of US dollars' worth of goods including flat screens, textiles, food and agricultural produce.
"It is part of Beijing's united front tactics, aiming to win over the hearts of Taiwanese people," he said.
A campaign manager for Ma brushed aside the claim, telling AFP: "This is no news at all. The DPP is used to accusing other people without any concrete evidence."
The DPP also said that China planned to help organise flights for Taiwanese businessmen on the mainland to return home to cast their votes, and was issuing threats of punitive measures if they support candidates other than Ma.
It said pro-Ma campaign offices had also been established on the mainland, a rare move in non-democratic China.
The run-up to the 2012 vote has been complicated by the entry of veteran politician James Soong, formerly a senior member of the Kuomintang, who has said he will run as an independent, rivalling Ma and the DPP's Tsai Ing-wen.
China and Taiwan have been governed separately since the end of a civil war in 1949 but Beijing still sees the island as part of its territory awaiting reunification, by force if necessary.
Ties were strained while the DPP was in power but have improved markedly since Ma took office in 2008 and began promoting trade and tourism with the mainland.
Taiwan emerged from authoritarian rule less than a generation ago but is now a vibrant democracy.
tamper with sth, tampering, pan-
The crowd "burst into laughter," the New York Times reports, when the Ayatollah insisted in his "hard-line" speech that the huge margin between President Ahmadinejad and opposition candidate Mir Hussein Mousavi was too large for foul play. "Perhaps 100,000 votes, or 500,000, but how can anyone tamper with 11 million votes?"
Safety Concerns May Upset Japan-China Trade Ties
By Hiroko Tabuchi
TOKYO -- As Japan's trade with China thrives, companies are struggling with a basic problem: how to manage Japanese brands that are made in China.
A recent health scare over poisoned dumplings imported from China have tarnished the reputation of Chinese food imports. The poisonings sickened at least 10 Japanese consumers and triggered a nationwide recall.
Wei Chuanzhong, the vice minister of China's food-safety watchdog, said yesterday he didn't rule out the possibility that "people using extreme means to destroy China-Japan ties" had tampered with the dumplings.
Yesterday, Japan Tobacco Inc., the importer's parent company, canceled a plan to expand ...
Pan Island Expressway
The goal of the partnership with MIT, called the SMART (for Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology) is to examine the "future of urban mobility" as well as other growth issues.
Read more:,29307,2056669,00.html#ixzz1Fg9LrbOh
- All: panorama.
- also Pan- Involving all of or the union of a specified group: Pan-Hellenic.
- General; whole: panleukopenia.
[Greek, from pan, neuter of pās, pant-, all.]
━━ vi. 干渉する ((with)); いじくる, いたずらする ((with)); (原文を)勝手に変える ((with)); 買収する ((with)).
tamper-evident ━━ a. (食料品・薬品などの包装が販売前に)いじればわかるように工夫された.
tamper-proof ━━ a. (食料品・薬品などの包装が)販売前開封防止の.
tamper with sth phrasal verb
to touch or make changes to something which you should not, usually without enough knowledge of how it works or when you are trying to damage it:
I could see at once that the lock had been tampered with.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
Tampering 為W. Edwards Deming 之專門術語:指「不顧系統處於統計管制狀態而過份反應。」
這tamper 又指破壞原廠包裝完整性而想注射毒物等作法。如Worker faces three charges in Schneiders tampering 個案。
tamper━━ vi. 干渉する ((with)); いじくる, いたずらする ((with)); (原文を)勝手に変える ((with)); 買収する ((with)).
Tamper-evident describes a device or process that makes unauthorised access to the protected object easily detected. This may take the form of seals, markings or other techniques.
tamper evident coating 抗破壞證據塗層
tamper evident packaging 抗破壞證據包裝
━━ a. (食料品・薬品などの包装が販売前に)いじればわかるように工夫された.
tamper proof 干預防護
tamper-proof ━━ a. (食料品・薬品などの包装が)販売前開封防止の.
tamper-proof ━━ a. (食料品・薬品などの包装が)販売前開封防止の.
mess with
Interfere or associate with; also, annoy, bother. For example, Our group won't mess with those street musicians, or I told him not to mess with me or there would be trouble. [Colloquial; c. 1900]

intr.v., -fered, -fer·ing, -feres.
- To be or create a hindrance or obstacle: loud talking that interfered with the other patrons' conversations; assistance that only interfered.
- Sports. To perform an act of interference.
- To intervene or intrude in the affairs of others; meddle.
- To strike one hoof against the opposite hoof or leg while moving. Used of a horse.
- Physics & Electronics. To cause interference.
[Middle English enterferen, from Old French s'entreferer, to strike one another : entre-, between (from Latin inter-; see inter-) + ferir, to strike (from Latin ferīre).]
interferer in'ter·fer'er n.interferingly in'ter·fer'ing·ly adv.
SYNONYMS interfere, meddle, tamper. These verbs mean to intervene unasked in the affairs of others and often in an impudent or indiscreet manner. Interfere implies action that seriously hampers, hinders, or frustrates: "Romantics of all ages can recall occasions when lust interfered with reason" (Christine Gorman). Meddle stresses unwanted, unwarranted, or unnecessary intrusion: "wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling" (Edmund Burke). To tamper is to interfere by making unsought, unwelcome, often destructive changes or by trying to influence another in an improper way: "a large number of persons accused of . . . tampering with ballot boxes" (James Bryce).
Syllabification: (med·dle)
Pronunciation: /ˈmedl/
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