2020年2月27日 星期四

-ism, apart, atomised, apart from, deep risks, mah-jongg, drastic social-distancing measures, keep people apart

China has responded to the spread of coronavirus by embarking on the most drastic social-distancing measures ever seen, confining hundreds of millions of people to their homes, Benjamin Cowling writes. Will other countries be able to replicate this response?
Our social media accounts are waving farewell until 2 January, apart from scheduled posts. See you in 2018!
(Picture posed by models. Add MS 27210 f. 14v)

All too often what works in a rodent in experimental studies produces little or no benefit in people. This has led researchers to explore the ways in which mice and men are dissimilar, in order to pick apart why the responses are different. A new study now proposes that the temperature in which lab mice are kept is one thing that does matter http://econ.st/1iySi9r

“What are the safety advantages of pressure suppression, apart from the cost saving?” Mr. Hanauer asked in the 1972 memo. (The regulatory functions of the Atomic Energy Commission were later transferred to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.)


"For old people like us, there's nothing to do anymore. Up in the mountains we worked all the time. We had pigs and chickens. Here we just sit around and people play mah-jongg."麻將
HE SHIFANG, a 45-year-old farmer who was relocated in a sweeping urbanization program in China.

What emerges in “Loveless” is an emotional void, an atomised desolation not tritely attributable to Vladimir Putin or the Soviet legacy

Exposed Fuel Rods Pose Deep Risks

An explosion early Tuesday morning may have damaged the inner steel containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.

inally, a Motel for Tail-Wagging Romance
Teresa Cristina Carvalho and her Shih Tzu, Mel, saw a room at Animalle Mundo Pet. “We’ll return when Mel is in heat,” she said.
Brazil’s newest short-stay pleasure palace stands apart from the crowd in one crucial aspect. It is for dogs.

1 ばらばらに, こなごなに
comefall] apart
ばらばらになる, こわれる
breakcut, tear] things apart
物をばらばらにこわす[切る, 引き裂く]
take apart
2 (距離・位置などが)(…と)離れて, 隔たって(⇔together);(時間的に)ずれて;(場所・目的・機能などが)(…と)離れて((from ...));(考えなどが)隔たって
live apart from ...
stay apart from the crowd
3 (考慮の際に)別々に, 個々に, (…と)独立して((from ...))
keep friendship and business apart
4 ((動名詞・名詞に伴って))…は別にして(aside);…を除いては
Kidding [Joking] apart, tell me your opinion about the book.
冗談はさておき, その本について君はどう思う.
apart from ...
(1) …は別として, はさておき(((米))aside from). ⇒EXCEPT[類語]
Apart from its cost, the plan was a good one.
費用の点を除けば, その計画は申し分なかった.
(2) …のほかに
Who else went there apart from you
(3) ⇒[副]2
know [tell] ... apart
…を区別する, 見分ける.
▼ ...は複数の人・物
tell the twins apart
━━[形]((ふつう名詞のあとで))別個の, 独特な
a class apart
Our schools are only several blocks apart.
Their birthdays are four days apart.
彼らの誕生日は4日違いだ(▼疑問文は×How apart are their birthdays?ではなく, How far apart ...?という).
[古フランス語a(へ)part(側)=一方の側へ. ]

apart from ...[apart from ...]

apart from 除了
With the exception of; besides: Apart from a few scratches, the car was undamaged.

apart from

  • except for:the whole world seemed to be sleeping, apart from Barbara
in addition to; as well as:quite apart from all the work, he had such financial problems

-ism suffix
used to form nouns which describe social, political or religious beliefs, studies or ways of behaving:sexism
-ism suffixan example of typical behaviour: That expression was a real Taylor-ism (= an example of behaving or speaking like Taylor ).
a set of beliefs, especially ones that you disapprove of:Thatcher is unique among her predecessors in having given the English language a brand new ism, created from her own name.

"------ism"都譯作"……主義嗎? " 收入《譯藝譚》 (台北:書林 1998p.26-29 (84b3)歸納分類為
關於學說 尤其哲學宗教方面中譯除接以"主義" 大都是"" "relativism—相對論 atomism 原子說

Atomised - definition of Atomised by The Free Dictionary


Define AtomisedAtomised synonyms, Atomised pronunciation, Atomised translation, English dictionary definition of Atomised. tr.v. at·om·ized , at·om·iz·ing , at·om·iz·es 1. To reduce to or separate into atoms. 2. To reduce to tiny particles or a fine spray. 3. To break into small...

關於醫學的病態方面 中譯多接以"""中毒" ""
汞中毒/rheumatism風濕病/giantism巨大其畸形/plutonism還射線傷/negativism違抝症?/exhibitionism裸體病態/ eroembotism飛行員高空症/terantsm 跳舞狂
關於動物 生化物理方面 中譯多接以"性能""作用" "現象
關於語言方面 中譯多接以"語風""習語" "方式等"關於其他方面 中譯的表達多種多樣
今天以色列的猶太教也有人稱為一種Constantinian Judism


