2015年3月8日 星期日

a lot, learned of, live and learn


Obama declined to say whether he was disappointed or whether he...

live and learn
Profit from experience, as in I ignored the garden book, planted my beans in March, and they all rotted--live and learn . [Second half of 1500s]底下這樣解釋有點勉強

Ruby發表於2007-2-7 9:38:00 陳德彰:北京外國語大學英語系教授  看到live and learn,有人會不假思索地說:“活到老,學到老。”目前國內部分英漢辭典就是這樣譯的,難道這還有錯嗎?但是它確實是錯了。   我們先來看看新版的Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (Longman出版公司,2003年)是怎麼說的。該詞典live條下的第20條釋義即是you live and learn,其解釋為:used to say that you have just learned something that you did not know before,還註明是spoken(口語)。這是在學到某個新東西(知識)後的一句感嘆。分析一下其結構,等於As long as one lives one can always learn new things.(只要活著,不管年齡多大,總能學到新東西)。  這句話多是那些上歲數的人,尤其是他們本以為自己在某個方面的知識已積累得很多,卻意外地學到新東西時說的。《英漢大詞典》(上海譯文出版社,1991年)提供了三種譯文:“真是活一天學一天”,“真是活到老,學不了(學不完)”,“真想不到”,都比較確切。其實不妨可以譯為:“真沒想到我又學到了一點新東西”或“沒想到原來這裡還有名堂呢!”   漢語中“活到老,學到老”是勸勉人要堅持終生學習,不要自滿的一句諺語,重在“學”的動作或過程,譯成英語應該是“keep studying as long as you live/all your life”。英語中的learn是一個“結果動詞”,強調的是“學會”、“學到”。其實,英語中的連接詞and有很多意思,可以引導出轉折、結果、原因、讓步等等,遠不是一個“和”能概括的。比如把live and learn倒過來,learn and live隱含了不同的結構,相當於“Only after you have learned how to live can you live a good life.”意思是:“只有學會瞭如何生活才能活得有意義”。而live and let live這句英語諺語的意思卻是勸人要互相容忍,尤其要寬容別人:“自己好好活,也要讓別人好好活。”   學英語最難的不是背語法條條,也不是要記許多單詞,而是對看似簡單的詞語有正確的理解,特別要注意英語和漢語不同的習慣用法所表達的意思。一個and就可以有好多意思,你是不是要感嘆live and learn呢?

"Bonnie and Clyde, they lived a lot together/And finally together they died."

"I think there is quite a lot of worry in the health service that these changes are too much too fast," she said.

a lot

Very many, a large number; also, very much. For example, A lot of people think the economy is declining , or Sad movies always made ​​her cry a lot . It is sometimes put as a whole lot for greater emphasis, as in I learned a whole lot in his class . It may also emphasize a comparative indication of amount, as in We need a whole lot more pizza to feed everyone , or Mary had a lot less nerve than I expected . [ Colloquial ; early 1800s]


1 Gain   or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience , or being taught :        they'd started learning French   [WITH INFINITIVE]: she is learning to play the piano [NO OBJECT]: we learn from experience 
Commit to memory :  I'd learned too many grim poems in school   
1.2 Become  aware   of (something) by information or from observation[WITH CLAUSE]: I learned that they had eaten already  [NO OBJECT]: the trading standards office learned of  the illegal network     


