2016年10月13日 星期四

inkling, death row, cross-eyed opossum, cause-celebre

When the students of the Conserve School in Wisconsin poured into the auditorium on a blustery morning early this year, they had no inkling of what would follow.

On Japan's secretive death row, inmate becomes cause celebre

《中英對照讀新聞》Cross-eyed opossum capturing hearts 鬥雞眼負鼠擄獲人心
She’s middle-aged, gray-haired and stays up all night. Still, Heidi the cross-eyed opossum is Germany’s biggest media sensation, and she has not even made her debut at the Leipzig Zoo.
Heidi first appeared in Germany’s mass-circulation newspaper Bild last month. Now the 2-1/2-year-old opossum has a growing Facebook fans, and will soon star as a plush toy. However, the public will not get their first glimpse of the opossum until July, when the zoo opens its tropical wildlife exhibit.
The zoo had no inkling of what a cause-celebre the cross-eyed opossum would become when Heidi along with her sister, Naira, and a male opossum arrived from a zoo in Denmark in May.
"The Heidi sensation was surprising and unplanned," said Leipzig zoo spokeswoman Maria Saegebarth, "we had nothing to do with the media hype."
The zoo has no plans to change its plan of upcoming exhibit. "We understand that Heidi has become so popular and that people will want to see her," said Saegebarth, "but that will not change the zoo’s strategy with the exhibit -- she’s one animal of many."
Virginia Opossum Didelphis virginiana Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Infraclass: Marsupialia Order: Didelphimorphia
Gill, 1872 Family: Didelphidae
Gray, 1821 Genera

n. - 負鼠
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - オポッサム, フクロネズミ

cross-eyed:形容詞,鬥雞眼的;名詞:cross-eye,常用複數eyes;動詞:cross one’s eye,做出鬥雞眼的樣子。
have an/no inkling of:片語,對某事略知/不知。例句:I have no inkling of his intention.(我不知道他的意圖。)

  1. A slight hint or indication.
  2. A slight understanding or vague idea or notion.
[Probably alteration of Middle English (a) ningkiling, (a) hint, suggestion, possibly alteration of nikking, from nikken, to mark a text for correction, from nik, notch, tally, perhaps from variant of Old French niche, niche. See niche.]
WORD HISTORY Inkling has nothing to do with ink, but it may have something to do with niches. Our story begins with the Old French (and Modern French) word niche, meaning "niche." It is possible that in Old French a variant form existed that was borrowed into Middle English as nik, meaning "a notch, tally." This word is probably related to the Middle English word nikking, meaning "a hint, slight indication," or possibly "a whisper, mention." Nikking appears only once, in a Middle English text composed around 1400. In another copy of the same text the word ningkiling appears, which may be a variant of nikking. This is essentially our word inkling already, the only major change being an instance of what is called false splitting, whereby people understood a ningkiling as an ingkiling. They did the same thing with a napron, getting an apron.

death row noun MAINLY US
on death row in prison and waiting to be killed as a punishment for a crime

cause célèbre

(kôz' sə-lĕbrə
n.pl. causes cé·lè·bres (kôz' sə-lĕb', kōz' sā-lĕb').
  1. An issue arousing widespread controversy or heated public debate.
  2. A celebrated legal case.
[French : cause, case + célèbre, celebrated.]

media hype:名詞,媒體誇大、過度的報導或宣傳。例句:The health minister blamed the media hype for the H1N1 flu fears.(衛生部長將這股對H1N1新型流感的害怕怪罪於媒體炒作。)


