2021年1月17日 星期日

denounce, indoctrinated, envoy, safeguard, utmost, defending free speech, intervene in China's internal affairs,

In a statement, the Hong Kong government expressed "utmost anger" and denounced the "coercive measures" which it said was Washington's latest attempt to intervene in China's internal affairs and obstruct the city's effort to safeguard national security.

"When western newspapers lawfully publish words or pictures that cause offence—be they ever so unnecessary, insensitive or disrespectful—western governments should think very carefully before denouncing them." In 2006, we argued that Western leaders were doing a poor job of defending free speech http://econ.st/1zHTLyP

Article available with Home Delivery/Times Reader subscription or for purchase.THE CASE OF DR. HU SHIH

Dr. Hu Shih, upon receiving the news that his son, who has been "indoctrinated" by the Chinese Communists, had denounced him as a "faithful officer of the ... 須付費

DR. HU SHIH IS SURE INDIA WILL COME IN; Chinese Envoy Predicts ...

Dr. Hu Shih, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, expressed confidence yesterday that India would come into the war and take an active part on the side ...

  • [énvɔi]
1 使節, 使者
a cultural [a goodwill] envoy
2 外交官, (特に)特命全権公使(envoy extraordinary). ▼大使(ambassador)の次の位.
[フランス語envoyé (en-中に+voie途+-é過去分詞語尾=使いに出された者→外交官). △VIA, VOYAGE, CONVEY

Pronunciation: /dɪˈnaʊns 

Definition of denounce in English:


1Publicly declare to be wrong or evil:the Assembly denounced the use of violencehe was widely denounced as a traitor
1.1Inform against:priests denounced him to the King for heresy


Middle English (originally in the sense 'proclaim', also 'proclaim someone to be wicked, a rebel, etc.'): from Old French denoncier, from Latin denuntiare 'give official information', based on nuntius 'messenger'.
  • [indɑ'ktrənèit | -dɔ'k-]
1 〈人に〉(教義などを)教え込む, 植えつける, 洗脳する((with, into, in ...))
indoctrinate a population with [into] militarist attitudes
indoctrinate oneself with ...
…を習得する, 身につける.
2 (一般に)〈人に〉教える.
[名]教化, 洗脳.


