2013年3月10日 星期日

truckle bed, caster, truckled, trundle, swivel

Pictures of Mr. Grass grew, shrank and swiveled beneath Mr. Thomsa’s fingers as he searched for the Smurfs, the cartoon characters. The little blue fellows, he explained, were there because they represented the Polish labor movement Solidarity in Mr. Grass’s novel “The Rat.” Also, children like them.

Shantiniketan and its school represented an idea as much as a place: people do their best learning and thinking when they divorce themselves from the distractions of urban life and reconnect with their natural environment. That’s not easy to do in India. As my train trundled past rice fields and open space, I was inundated with offers of a shoeshine, pens, biscuits, flowers, jhalmuri (puffed rice), newspapers, musical performances and a magic show that featured the transformation of a Pepsi bottle into a bouquet of flowers.


Happy Birthday Opportunity! The Mars Rover Turns Eight

By Jeffrey Kluger
Since 2004, the interplanetary car has been trundling across the Martian surface

“Nevertheless, father, it is a great gift of the gods to be born with a hatred and contempt of all injustice and meanness. Yours is a higher lot, never to have lied and truckled, than to have shared honours won by dishonour. There is strength in scorn, as there was in the martial fury by which men became insensible to wounds.”

(trŭk'əl) pronunciation
A small wheel or roller; a caster.

intr.v., -led, -ling, -les.
To be servile or submissive. See synonyms at fawn1.

[Middle English trocle, pulley, from Anglo-Norman, from Latin trochlea, system of pulleys. See trochlea.]
truckler truck'ler n.

[動](自)((古風))(…の)言うことをよく聞く;(…に)こびへつらう, 盲従する((to ...)).

truckle bed 拉床: low bed on casters, rolled under higher bed when not in use; trundle bed

[動](他)1 〈球・輪などを〉転がす, ぐるぐる回転させる;〈手押し車などを〉ごろごろ押して行く((along, down)) trundle a hoop輪ころがしをする.2 …を馬車[荷車...
trundle bed
((米))=truckle bed.

1 投げる人[物];鋳造機;投票者;配役係;釣り人.
2 (重い家具などに取りつける)移動用車輪, キャスター.
3 ((英))薬味入れ[瓶];(コショウなどの)粉振り器(((米))shaker).(kăs'tər) pronunciation
  1. One that casts: a caster of nets.
  2. also cas·tor (kăs'tər) A small wheel on a swivel, attached under a piece of furniture or other heavy object to make it easier to move.
  3. also castor
    1. A small bottle, pot, or shaker for holding a condiment.
    2. A stand for a set of condiment containers.


swiv • el
swivels (複数形) • swivels (三人称単数現在)
1 《機械》さる環(かん), 回し継ぎ手, スイベル, 転環.
2 (旋回砲・回転いすの)台;旋回砲(swivel gun).
━━[動](〜ed, 〜・ing;((主に英))〜led, 〜・ling)(他)
1 …をさる環で回転[旋回]させる((around, round))
swivel the chair aroundround
2 …をさる環[回し継ぎ手]で留める, …にさる環をつける.
━━(自)さる環[旋回軸, ピボットなど]で回転[旋回]する;〈人などが〉くるりと回る((around, round)).


