"With a litre of sulphuric acid..he poured it on me...it burned my entire face, my arms and my abdomen". We hear from an acid attack survivor in Colombia who has inspired lawmakers to invoke harsher penalties.
Saul Leiter was famed for his richly-hued color photographs. Yet when he first came to Howard Greenberg’s attention, it was his black and white street photos that stunned the New York gallery owner, who immediately gave him a one-man show.
“His picture making was filled with a lyrical romanticism without being sentimental,” Mr. Greenberg recalled. “It’s poetic, it’s very emotional and it’s also very smart,” Mr. Greenberg said. “It gets under your skin."
Saul Leiter’s Black-and-White World
Though he was famed for his color photography, Saul Leiter’s earliest work was in black-and-white, and just as personal and powerful as his later images.
'Fake' Van Gogh in Attack Turns Out to Be Real4
Norway pauses to remember attacks, one year on
NYT: Assange is "Arrogant, Think-Skinned"
The New York Times editor writes a first-hand account detailing the paper's saga with the Wikileaks documents, harshly criticizing the group's founder but insisting he shouldn't be prosecuted.
此Think-Skinned 似乎是parody thin-skinned 等
* Feisty heavyweight set to lead German Social Democrats
The TV Watch
A Throwback Is True to Form, Feisty Right to the End
Regis Philbin promised not to cry amid all the tributes on his "Live! With Regis and Kelly" finale, and he didn't.
Almost daily, angry postings to this open forum fulminate over every new outrage and make the usual calls of victimhood: for boycotts, for petitions, for a general uprising against...fulminate
v., -nat·ed, -nat·ing, -nates. v.intr.
- To issue a thunderous verbal attack or denunciation: fulminated against political chicanery.
- To explode or detonate.
- To issue (a denunciation, for example) thunderously.
- To cause to explode.
An explosive salt of fulminic acid, especially fulminate of mercury.
[Middle English fulminaten, from Latin fulmināre, fulmināt-, to strike with lightning, from fulmen, fulmin-, lightning that strikes.]

━━ v. ぴかっと光る, 雷が鳴る; どなる ((against)); 爆発する[させる]; 非難を浴びる[せる].fulminate
━━ n. 【化】雷酸塩 ((爆発性を有する化合物)).
get under someone's skin
thin-skinned | (adjective) Quick to take offense. | ||||||
Synonyms: | huffy, touchy, feisty | ||||||
Usage: | My thin-skinned students often mistake my constructive criticism for personal attacks.attack
Syllabification: (at·tack)
Pronunciation: /əˈtak/
Translate attack | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish verb[with object]nounOrigin:early 17th century: from French attaque (noun), attaquer (verb), from Italian attacco 'an attack', attaccare 'join battle', based on an element of Germanic origin (see attach)attack[at・tack]
5 《スポーツ》〈相手ゴールに〉襲いかかる, を攻撃する.
6 〈女性を〉襲う, 強姦(ごうかん)する.
━━(自)襲う, 攻撃を始める.
1 (…への)攻撃, 襲撃;非難((on, upon, against ...))
2 ((しばしばan 〜))発病, (…の)発作((of ...))
3 (仕事などへの)取り組み, 着手, 開始;《音楽》アタック(音楽の出のきっかけ).
4 (サッカーなどの)攻撃;攻撃陣.
5 強姦(未遂). |