2023年5月12日 星期五

collect (critics), Amnesty for Illegal Firearms, snowfall, snowstorm, blanket (COVER), snowpack, snowpocalypse, apocalypse, supercilious, Critics' Circle, audacter,

Paul Klee
Drohender Schneesturm (Threatening Snowstorm), 1927
Pen and coloured inks and watercolour on paper laid on card 

It’s December, when Japan’s lowland areas get their first snowfall. Migratory birds like swans are flying over from Siberia to spend the winter here -- you can see them in and around many of Japan's lakes and rivers.

Snowpack in California mountains shrank by 86% in just one year.
During a recent briefing on climate change, President Obama’s aides showed him these satellite images.

A Star Architect Leaves Some Clients Fuming


The architect Santiago Calatrava is collecting critics as buildings develop problems.

Pictures of the Week
A Taxi is buried in a snow drift after a severe winter storm dropped around two feet of snow on the greater New York area.

The snowpocalypse is when a weather man predicts large amounts of snowfall in a short period of time (commonly known as a blizzard). In the winter of 2010 on the east coast of the US, there has been a lot of snowfall, prompting people to talk about the snowpocalypse.

Apocalypse Fairly Soon

As Europe jogs toward its endgame, the euro could still be saved. But that would require major changes from European leaders.

Snowstorm Blankets New York
Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times
Snowstorm Blankets New York
The National Weather Service predicted 5 to 7 inches for New York City in the winter’s first major snowfall.

blanket (COVER) 
noun [C]
a flat cover made of wool or similar warm material, usually used on a bed

verb [T often passive] LITERARY
to cover something completely with a thick layer:
Outside the fields were blanketed in fog.

noun [C]
a heavy fall of snow which is blown by strong winds
noun [C or U]
the amount of snow that falls in a particular area during a particular period, or a fall of snow:
The annual snowfall for this region is 30 centimetres.
Heavy snowfalls are predicted for tonight and tomorrow.


Syllabification: snow·pack
Pronunciation: /ˈsnōˌpak


A mass of snow on the ground that is compressed and hardened by its own weight.
"the snowpack is melting"

supercilious (soo-puhr-SIL-i-uhs)

adjective: Showing haughty disdain.

The word alludes to someone being disdainful by raising an eyebrow. It's derived from Latin supercilium (eyebrow, pride), from super (above) + cilium (eyelid). Ultimately from the Indo-European root kel- (to cover, conceal, or save) that is also the source of hollow, hole, holster, hell, apocalypse, and eucalyptus. Earliest documented use: 1528.

"I'm all for 'moving on' from the two world wars, obviously. But I 'm not quite so keen to 'move on' from the cocky, supercilious, haughty, and dismissive view of our great nation." — Piers Morgan: Achtung, Franz!; The Daily Mail (London, UK); Jun 27, 2010.

(ə-pŏk'ə-lĭps') pronunciation
    1. Apocalypse (Abbr. Apoc.) Bible. The Book of Revelation.
    2. Any of a number of anonymous Jewish or Christian texts from around the second century B.C. to the second century A.D. containing prophetic or symbolic visions, especially of the imminent destruction of the world and the salvation of the righteous.
  1. Great or total devastation; doom: the apocalypse of nuclear war.
  2. A prophetic disclosure; a revelation.
[Middle English Apocalipse, from Late Latin Apocalypsis, from Greek apokalupsis, revelation, Apocalypse, from apokaluptein, to uncover : apo-, apo- + kaluptein, to cover.]

  • 発音記号[əpɑ'kəlips | əpɔ'k-]
1 ((the A-))ヨハネの黙示録(the Revelation);黙示書, 黙示文学.
2 黙示, 啓示, 天啓.
3 世の終わり.
4 (社会的)大事件, 大災害, 大破壊.
[アングロフランス話←後ラテン語←ギリシャ語apokálypsis(apo-離して+kalýpteinおおいをする+-sis=おおいを取ること). △APOCRYPHA

The Critics' Circle logo
The Critics' Circle is a professional association of British critics of dance, drama, film, music, visual arts and architecture. It was established in 1913 as an offshoot of the Society of Dramatic Critics, which had been formed six years earlier but had become inactive.
For many years the Circle refrained from granting awards, but in 1980 the critics from the Film section (aka the London Film Critics Circle) established the ALFS Awards to acknowledge special achievements in the cinema.
These annual film awards have become a major event in London, with a celebrity-studded banquet held in a West End hotel, since 1995 for the benefit of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC).
In 1989 the Drama section organized the first of its Critics' Circle Theatre Awards ceremonies, which are more intimate lunchtime affairs.
It was not until 2002 that Dance awards were presented. To date, the Music section, loth to single out individual artists for approval, continues to refuse to award prizes.
Each year since 1988 the Circle has presented the Critics' Circle Award for Distinguished Service to the Arts, voted for by all members of the Circle. The award takes the form of an engraved crystal rose bowl presented at a celebratory luncheon. The 2008 winner was Peter Brook.

30年來最偉大的電影Apocalypse Now
昨天倫敦影評人協會(London Film Critics' Circle)選出科波拉的《現代啟示錄 Apocalypse Now為30年來最偉大的電影。 倫敦影評人協會屬於英國評論人協會(Critics' circle)的一部份,它成立於1907年,成員以英國和愛爾蘭的評論者為主。除了電影評論以外,協會舞台劇、音樂、舞蹈和藝術 ...

  • 1a person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something:critics say many schools are not prepared to handle the influx of foreign students
  • 2a person who judges the merits of literary, artistic, or musical works, especially one who does so professionally:a film critic


late 16th century: from Latin criticus, from Greek kritikos, from kritēs 'a judge', from krinein 'judge, decide'
1 (文学・美術などの)批評家, 評論家, 鑑定家
a literary [a dramatic] critic
2 (一般に)批評家;酷評家, あら捜し屋((of ...)).
[ラテン語←ギリシャ語kritikós (krnein決定する+-TIC=判断力に富んだ)]
1 (文学・美術などの)批評家, 評論家, 鑑定家
a literary [a dramatic] critic
2 (一般に)批評家;酷評家, あら捜し屋((of ...)).
[ラテン語←ギリシャ語kritikós (krnein決定する+-TIC=判断力に富んだ)]
1 (文学・美術などの)批評家, 評論家, 鑑定家
a literary [a dramatic] critic
2 (一般に)批評家;酷評家, あら捜し屋((of ...)).
[ラテン語←ギリシャ語kritikós (krnein決定する+-TIC=判断力に富んだ)]


