In 1969 he was awarded New York University’s highest honor, its Presidential Citation.[65]
Letter recognizing Presidential Citation of New York University, Box 8, Folder 7, The Drucker Institute Archives, Claremont, California.
Correspondence from James M. Hester to Peter Drucker, 1968-12-09
A state of high alert, often a simulated panic for comic effect.
The earliest citation of the term 'panic stations' that I can find in print comes from the New York newspaper The World, September 1892. The actual reference is to 'anti-panic stations', which were units set up by the local medical services in order to reassure the public during a cholera outbreak. However, that can't be said to be the origin of the term, as it has a different meaning to the one that we usually understand.
panic stations (British & Australian informal)
Correspondence from James M. Hester to Peter Drucker, 1968-12-09
Receives the Presidential Citation at New York University, the highest award given by the university.
Panic stations
MeaningA state of high alert, often a simulated panic for comic effect.
The earliest citation of the term 'panic stations' that I can find in print comes from the New York newspaper The World, September 1892. The actual reference is to 'anti-panic stations', which were units set up by the local medical services in order to reassure the public during a cholera outbreak. However, that can't be said to be the origin of the term, as it has a different meaning to the one that we usually understand.
panic stations (British & Australian informal)
a time when you feel extremely anxious and you must act quickly because something needs to be done urgently No matter how organized you think you are, one hour before the show starts it's panic stations.
See also: panic, station
shop talk
Meaning #1: talk about your business that only others in the same business can understand
像俚語一樣,行話是從某一群體的成員對某事物的簡稱發展出來。雖然有些條目永遠不可能讓大多數人看得懂,但是大多數使用學術性或專業用詞的條目應為這些用詞提供比一般 ...
shop talk
Meaning #1: talk about your business that only others in the same business can understand
像俚語一樣,行話是從某一群體的成員對某事物的簡稱發展出來。雖然有些條目永遠不可能讓大多數人看得懂,但是大多數使用學術性或專業用詞的條目應為這些用詞提供比一般 ...
(verb) Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements. | |
Synonyms: | abbreviate, shorten, contract, reduce, cut |
Usage: | I write with so much difficulty, the cold is so severe, I am so fearful of being detected and consigned to an underground cell and total darkness, that I must abridge this narrative. |
- The act of reciting memorized materials in a public performance.
- The material so presented.
- Oral delivery of prepared lessons by a pupil.
- The class period within which this delivery occurs.
1 (人前で行う詩などの)暗唱, 朗唱, 復唱;[C]暗唱文
an English recitation contest
2 (課題について生徒が行う)暗唱, 口答;((米))授業時間(▼recitationは口頭の質問を交えながら行う授業. lectureは一方的な「講義」. seminarは学生の活動を中心とする「演習」).
3 [U]列挙;詳説.breviary
(brē'vē-ĕr'ē, brĕv'ē-)
n. Ecclesiastical, pl., -ies.
A book containing the hymns, offices, and prayers for the canonical hours.
[Middle English breviarie, from Old French breviaire, from Medieval Latin breviārium, from Latin, summary, from brevis, short. See brief.]
A breviary (from Latin brevis, 'short' or 'concise') is a liturgical book of the Latin liturgical rites of the Catholic Church containing the public or canonical prayers, hymns, the Psalms, readings, and notations for everyday use, especially by, bishops, priests, and deacons in the Divine Office (i.e., at the canonical hours or Liturgy of the Hours, the Christians' daily prayer). The word can also refer to a collection of Christian orders of prayers and readings, such as contained in Anglican or Lutheran resources. In general, the word breviary may be used to refer to an abridged version of any text or a brief account or summary of some subject, but is primarily used to refer to the Catholic liturgical book.The volume containing the daily hours of Roman Catholic prayer was published as the Breviarium Romanum (Roman Breviary) until the reforms of Paul VI, when it became known as the Liturgy of the Hours. However, these terms are used interchangeably to refer to the Office in all its forms. This entry deals with the Breviary prior to the changes introduced by Pope Paul VI in 1974.