2016年1月28日 星期四

mosh pit, boiled gyoza dumplings

🤘 Time to put down your smartphone and jump in the mosh pit?

Small music venues close as more and more artists are discovered online.

photoBoiled gyoza dumplings (Provided by Katsumi Oyama)
TODAY'S DISH is boiled gyoza dumplings, or "sui-gyoza," which light up the festivities of the Chinese New Year. The handmade dough offers a rich texture. "If you prefer more chewiness, increase the proportion of strong flour," says chef and restaurant owner Tomoshige Ichikawa.

Gyoza is originally a Chinese dish, which has become very popular across Japan. This recipe shows how to make the gyoza dough and the gyoza filling. The time consuming and difficult part of making of the dough can be skipped by buying ...


n. dumpling
  1. A piece of dough, sometimes filled, that is cooked in liquid such as water or soup.
  2. Sweetened dough wrapped around fruit, such as an apple, baked and served as a dessert.
  3. Informal. A short, chubby creature.
[Earlier dumplin, perhaps from dump, lump.]

n. - 湯糰, 布丁-- 譬如說 :A traditional dessert pudding called clootie dumpling is made with flour, breadcrumbs, dried fruit (sultanas and currants), suet, sugar and spice with some milk to bind it, and sometimes golden syrup. Ingredients are mixed well into a dough, then wrapped up in a floured cloth, placed in a large pan of boiling water and simmered for a couple of hours before being lifted out and dried before the fire or in an oven.[5]
, 餃子 :"胖得像餃子(round as a dumpling)"

Savory dumplings are small or large mounds of dough that are usually dropped into a liquid mixture (such as soup or stew) and cooked until done. Some are stuffed with meat or cheese mixtures. Dessert dumplings most often consist of a fruit mixture encased in a sweet pastry dough and baked. They're usually served with a sauce. Some sweet dumplings are poached in a sweet sauce and served with cream.

━━ n. 小麦粉をねってゆでただんご; 果物入り焼き団子; 〔話〕 ずんぐりした人; ころっと丸っこい動物.

Wikipedia article "Dumpling".

German States Prepare to Do Battle over Dumplings

Despite age and infirmity, the Ukrainian women who hand-roll dumplings for their church in New York's East Village soldier on.
紐約時報 Dumplings for the Lord infirmity, soldier on

The ultimate way to show your love for your loud, pounding music taste. Controlled violence. The thing about the Mosh Pit is NOONE will take offence at you whacking them in the face...(I personally congradulate those that get a good shot in) there are different type of "pits" you can participate in, here are a few. 

Closed Pit: Tight, hard to move and hard to breathe. A closed pit will usually happen during popular heavy songs like Slipknot - Duality or a S.O.A.D song. 

Open Pit: Generally the worst/best you can pick a target and reach them, throw them across the floor punch them, barge them. There's enough room to just dive about punching everyone still causing little offece (Do be prepared to be hit back...a lot) 
songs that will get open pits are the less popular but heavy ones. 
Motograter music gathers a lot of open pits. 

Circle Pit: The larger or stronger Moshers or Metal heads will run around in an empty circle punching those on the outside of the circle and pushing the runner infront until he either leaves or falls to be trodden on. these will happen on most slayer songs. 


