2024年4月26日 星期五

parasol protrudes. decoct. It is the quality of Taylor Swift’s output, not the quantity, that has set her apart from her peers. Maintaining that success is delicate

A tea ceremony parasol protrudes from the shop entrance. Before the children's eyes is a glass pot. The liquid is light green, denoting "sencha" tea permeating in the hot water as the tea leaves slowly decoct. When poured into a teacup and sipped, the tea has a delicate aroma and piercing sweetness.

(dĭ-kŏkt') pronunciation
tr.v., -coct·ed, -coct·ing, -cocts.
  1. To extract the flavor of by boiling.
  2. To make concentrated; boil down.

[Middle English decocten, to boil, from Latin dēcoquere, dēcoct-, to boil down or away : dē-, de- + coquere, to boil, to cook.]

decoction de·coc'tion n.


(păr'ə-sôl', -sŏl') pronunciation
A light, usually small umbrella carried as protection from the sun.

[French, from Italian parasole : parare, to shield (from Latin parāre, to prepare) + sole, sun (from Latin sōl).]

parasoled par'a·soled' adj.


