Daunt Books is an original Edwardian bookshop with long oak galleries and graceful skylights situated in Marylebone High Street, London. We also have shops in Chelsea, Holland Park, Cheapside, Hampstead and Belsize Park.
Daunt Books Marylebone
Daunt Books,
83 Marylebone High Street,
London W1U 4QW.
United Kingdom.
Telephone: 020 7224 2295
Email: orders@dauntbooks.co.ukOpening hours:
Monday - Saturday 9.00 - 19.30
Sunday 11.00 - 18.00
When Texas entrepreneur Raymond Nasher asked for a "roofless museum" for
his extensive sculpture collection, his architects and their
consultants delivered a unique interpretation. The Nasher Sculpture Center,
which opened in downtown Dallas in 2003, is a synthesis of nature and
building: a sculpture garden and a building with a roof that's "open" to
the light of the sky.
Because the new museum is intended
exclusively for sculpture, the designers were not as limited in their
treatment of illumination as they would have been for light-sensitive
paintings. Skylighting Sculpture by ArchitectureWeek
We went up-stairs it had been quite a fine house once, when it was anybody's business to keep it clean and fresh, and nobody's business to smoke in it all day and into Mr. Turveydrop's great room, which was built out into a maws at the back and was lighted by a skylight.maw (maw)
1. The mouth, throat, or stomach of an animal, especially a carnivore.
2. A gaping hole.
From Old English maga. Earliest documented use: 1150.
"Xiaobo Liu's wife said the toughest time for her was after he was arrested in 2008 but before he was indicted. He basically disappeared, she said, into the maw of China's security state." — John Pomfret; China's Liu Xiaobo wins Nobel Peace Prize; The Washington Post; Oct 8, 2010.
We went up-stairs it had been quite a fine house once, when it was anybody's business to keep it clean and fresh, and nobody's business to smoke in it all day and into Mr. Turveydrop's great room, which was built out into a maws at the back and was lighted by a skylight.
- The mouth, stomach, jaws, or gullet of a voracious animal, especially a carnivore.
- The opening into something felt to be insatiable: “I saw the opening maw of hell” (Herman Melville).
[Middle English mawe, from Old English maga.]
n. - 反芻動物的第四胃, 人的胃, 嗉囊 日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 反芻動物の第四胃, 餌袋, 口, 食道, かあさん
- 音節
- ský • lìght
- skylightの変化形
- skylights (複数形)
1 天窓.
2 《気象》天空光.illumination
- 音節
- il • lu • mi • na • tion
- 発音
- ilùːmənéiʃən
- レベル
- 社会人必須
- illuminationの変化形
- illuminations (複数形)
1 [U]明るくすること, 照明;照らされていること[状態];((通例〜s))((主に英))イルミネーション, 電飾
stage illumination
indirect illumination
3 《光学》照度:単位面積に当たる光の量;ルクス(lux)で表す.
4 ((通例〜s))(頭文字・ページ・写本の絵の具・金泥による)彩飾.