Researchers hope this technique could eventually help with challenging projects such as post-disaster construction.
Watch this team of drones 3D-print a tower
The new technique, inspired by nature, involves multiple drones working
Killer drones pioneered in Ukraine are the weapons of the ...
The Economist › leaders › 2024/02/08 › ki...
Feb 8, 2024 — In Yemen the Houthi rebel group has used cheap Iranian guidance kits to build anti-ship missiles that are posing a deadly threat to commercial ...
As A.I.-Controlled Killer Drones Become Reality, Nations ...
The New York Times › U.S. › Politics
Nov 21, 2023 — As A.I.-Controlled Killer Drones Become Reality, Nations Debate Limits. Worried about the risks of robot warfare, some countries want new legal ...
A.I.-controlled killer drones become reality
Modern Diplomacy › Sample Page
Nov 26, 2023 — -controlled killer drones become reality. Worried about the risks of robot warfare, some countries want new legal constraints, but the U.S. ...
To observe that Mr. Robb’s books are unusual is to say several things at once. Most obviously, they sometimes apply hardy, free-range kinds of research. “The Discovery of France” was given a jolt of life by his back-road explorations on a bicycle. (“This book,” he wrote, “is the result of 14,000 miles in the saddle and four years in the library.”) They also take unusual forms. In Mr. Robb’s new book one chapter is written like a screenplay, while another employs witty question-and-answer sections that function like lemon juice squeezed over a platter of oysters. Clearly Mr. Robb is restless, and he has little interest in being a droning, by-the-numbers tour guide.
v., droned, dron·ing, drones. v.intr.
- To make a continuous low dull humming sound: "Somewhere an electric fan droned without end" (William Styron).
- To speak in a monotonous tone: The lecturer droned on for hours.
- To pass or act in a monotonous way.
To utter in a monotonous low tone: "The mosquitoes droned their angry chant" (W. Somerset Maugham).
- A continuous low humming or buzzing sound.
- Music.
- Any of the pipes of a bagpipe that lack finger holes and produce a single tone.
- A long sustained tone.
- Any of various instruments that produce only a constant pitch.
[From DRONE1 (from the bee's humming sound).]
Did I mention that he is also jaggedly funny? His prose approximates Ian McEwan’s by way of Anthony Lane. In his new book a group of Parisians in the Latin Quarter in the 1840s don’t die from disease, they die from “various illnesses known collectively as ‘lack of money.’ ”
- Marked by irregular projections and indentations on the edge or surface. See synonyms at rough.
- Having a rough or harsh quality: "not a stutter exactly but a jagged sound, as if the words were being broken-off from some other, stronger current of words deep inside" (Anne Tyler).
jaggedness jag'ged·ness n.