動車事故揭示中國治理困境Rail crash is a human tragedy and a disaster for Beijing 英國《金融時報》 吉密歐 北京報導
The crash of two Chinese bullet trains is, first and foremost, a human tragedy. The ordeal of Xiang Weiyi, a two-year-old girl who lay for 21 hours in the twisted wreckage near the corpses of her parents, has transfixed China's public .兩列中國動車組列車追尾的事故首先是、也主要是一場人間慘劇。年僅兩歲的小女孩項煒伊在扭曲的列車殘骸中困了21個小時,身邊不遠處就是父母的遺體,她的苦難刺痛了中國公眾的心。
Holiday shopping can be exhausting. And stressful. But a pop-up concert with Yo-Yo Ma has what it takes to draw shoppers away (if only briefly) from their December to-do lists.
Pope's "Essay on Man."
- [ 翻譯此頁 ]Spattered throughout Pope's work are references to God and His great domain. .... it is part of the "general frame" that all of nature, including ourselves, are but "parts of .... Thus states were form'd; the name of king unknown, ... that nature "link'd the gen'ral frame and bade self-love and social be the same. ...美國太空總署(NASA)28日成功試射「戰神9號」(Ares I-X)火箭,製造這型火箭的目的在取代老舊的太空梭,並且期待有朝一日用此火箭將太空人送上月球和火星。
One of the most useful, if often-overlooked, features of Google Book Search is the ability to enter your own books and create a personal library which you can then search if Google has scanned those books. (And chances are it probably has). If you are trying to find a passage or a factoid you once read but can't remember the book no matter how hard you wrack your brain, the ability to search your personal library can come in handy. Except who wants to enter each book one at a time?
- A painful or trying experience.
- 1960, P[elham] G[renville] Wodehouse, chapter XXI, in Jeeves in the Offing, London: Herbert Jenkins, OCLC 1227855:
- “And do you realize that in a few shakes I've got to show up at dinner and have Mrs Cream being very, very kind to me? It hurts the pride of the Woosters, Jeeves.” “My advice, sir, would be to fortify yourself for the ordeal.” “How?” “There are always cocktails, sir. Should I pour you another?” “You should.”
- 2012 December 29, Paul Doyle, “Arsenal's Theo Walcott hits hat-trick in thrilling victory over Newcastle”, in The Guardian[1]:
- Arsène Wenger confessed: "The result was not an accurate indication of the match." Certainly, at half-time it seemed unlikely that Arsenal would catch fire so spectacularly because the first half was a damp squib of a display from Wenger's team, as Newcastle initially showed no ill-effects from their Old Trafford ordeal.
- A trial in which the accused was subjected to a dangerous test (such as ducking in water), divine authority deciding the guilt of the accused.
- The poisonous ordeal bean or Calabar bean
音節or・deal 発音記号・読み方/ɔɚdíːl|ɔː‐/発音を聞く
factoid 指書面上子虛烏有的捏造”事實”。它是1973年 N. Mailer所鑄。我猜是根據fact 和void 熔成的。
說 明:factoid - something resembling a fact; unverified (often invented) information that is given credibility because it appeared in print
例:… On Sunday, the New York Times provided an interesting factoid on the Google-Yahoo! competition.
據WordNet Dictionary,還有第二義:.
2. factoid - a brief (usually one sentence and usually trivial) news item.
Last weekend I caught up on some early reviews of the new 414-horsepower BMW M3.
You can pretty much sum up all of the accolades in a quick factoid from Gerhard Richter, vice president of BMW M Power, who said in Motor Trend that the V8-powered M3 clocked 3.4 seconds faster on the Nürburgring Nordschleife than the V10 M5. That’s 8:10 a lap. He added: “I could do that while talking to you as I drive.”
-- JULY 12, 2007, 10:50 AM
Is the BMW M3 Too Perfect?
n. Greek Mythology
The god of war.
(European mythology)
The Greek war god, the son of Zeus and Hera. An unpopular deity, Ares received serious worship only in central and northern Greece. In mythology he appears as an instigator of violence, a tempestuous lover, or an unscrupulous friend. Without any moral attributes, Ares can be bloody, merciless, fearful, and cowardly, in striking contrast to the Roman Mars.
Translate pop-up | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanishadjective
(1) (窓などの)枠, 額縁;(鏡の)縁;((通例〜s))(眼鏡の)フレーム.
(2) (新聞・雑誌などの囲み記事の)枠, 囲み.
(1) (窓などの)枠, 額縁;(鏡の)縁;((通例〜s))(眼鏡の)フレーム.
(2) (新聞・雑誌などの囲み記事の)枠, 囲み.
2 (建物・機械・家具・車・船・飛行機などの)骨組み;(機器の動作部分を支える)台枠;(ししゅうの)枠;《海事》フレーム, 肋材(ろくざい).
3 [U][C](人などの)体格, 骨格;(特に性的魅力のある女性の)上半身.
4 心の状態, 気分
be in a proper frame of mind to do [for doing]
5 (抽象的な)構造物;(政治・社会などの)組織, 機構, 体制.
6 (ガラス張りの)温床, 温室, フレーム.
7 《野球》イニング, 回;《ボウリング》フレーム.
8 (フィルム・続き漫画の)1こま.
9 《コンピュータ》フレーム:動画像のもとになる静止画像の一こま.
10 《テレビ》フレーム:走査線の連続で構成される画面1枚.
11 《印刷》植字台;《製本》(本の表紙の)縁飾り.
12 ((俗))=frame-up.
1 …を組み立てる, 形作る;〈計画などを〉立案[考案, 構想]する;〈詩・文書などを〉作る
frame a new tax bill
frame a theory [a rule, a story]
理論[規則, 話]を作り上げる.
理論[規則, 話]を作り上げる.
2 〈考えなどを〉心にいだく;〈言葉・返事などを〉口に出して言う.
3 [III[名]([副])]…を(目的に)合わせる((for ...));[V[名]to do](…するのに)合うように作る
a novel framed for younger readers
4 ((略式))〈計画などを〉たくらむ, でっち上げる;〈試合などを〉仕組む, 八百長する((up));〈人を〉陥れる, はめる, 〈人に〉ぬれ衣(ぎぬ)を着せる((up))
frame a scandal
frame a person up for murder
5 〈絵・写真などを〉額に入れる;…を囲む, 縁どる.
1 おもむく, 行く(go).
2 〈計画・行動などが〉進行[進展]する;進行[進展]の見込みがある.
[古英語framian (fram利益のある)利益が上がる→押し進める→建設する. △FROM]