2015年7月23日 星期四

dresser, pigheaded, hairdresser, fall on, red-blooded, the G.I. Bill, short-order

IKEA warns 27 MILLION customers who've bought this dresser.

After Ikea chests tipped over and fatally injured two boys in the U.S. last...

Kenneth Everette Battelle was born on April 19, 1927, in Syracuse. His father, a shoe salesman, and his mother divorced when he was 12, and he took jobs as a short-order cook and a dishwasher to help support his four younger sisters. He enlisted in the Navy at 17 and attended Syracuse University on the G.I. Bill. Money ran out, and he attended beauty school after seeing an ad promising $100-a-week jobs to anyone who finished a six-month course.
肯尼斯·埃弗雷特·巴特爾於1927年4 月19日生於錫拉丘茲,父親是鞋店店員。他12歲時父母離異,為了幫忙養活自己的四個妹妹,他曾經做過快餐廚子和洗碗工。17歲那年,他應徵入伍海軍,退 役後在退伍軍人安置法案(G.I. Bill)幫助下進入錫拉丘茲大學讀書。這筆錢花完後,他看到一則美容學校的廣告,承諾只要上完6個月的課程,就能找到周薪100美元的工作,於是就去上 了這個學校。
His mother hated the idea of his becoming a hairdresser. “Red-blooded American boys don’t do that,” she would say, he recalled in an interview with The Post-Standard of Syracuse.

"You're such a guy," says the woman to her man, imputing either that he is thrillingly red-blooded or too pigheaded to ask for directions.

Definition of short order


North American
an order or dish of food which can be quickly prepared and served:a short order of souvlaki [as modifier]:I’m a short-order cook


(adjective) Obstinate and stupid.

bullet-headed, bullheaded


She is a spoiled, pigheaded girl who expects everyone to be at her beck and call at a moment's notice.

Definition of red-blooded


(of a man) vigorous or virile, especially in having strong heterosexual appetites:he was attracted to her, as any red-blooded male would be


Strong and highly spirited.

Meaning #1: endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health

Synonyms: hearty, full-blooded, lusty


