2022年4月1日 星期五

intermediate, mediator, pander, go-between, invaluable, disintermediator, Pandering to Beijing has shrinking payback

 a good intermediate haven

The internet was supposed to be the great disintermediator. And of all the middlemen it should have wiped out by now, estate agents are among the least popular. Yet most sellers still use them, and websites that offer to put them directly in touch with buyers have had limited success. However, hope springs eternal, in the online world as in the property business http://econ.st/1yfYZa3

I often get accused of suggesting that we should pander to public opinion,....


ntr.v., -dered, -der·ing, -ders.
  1. To act as a go-between or liaison in sexual intrigues; function as a procurer.
  2. To cater to the lower tastes and desires of others or exploit their weaknesses: "He refused to pander to nostalgia and escapism" (New York Times).
[Middle English Pandare, Pandarus, from Old Italian Pandaro, from Latin Pandarus, from Greek Pandaros.]
pander pan'der n.
1 売春をあっせんする.
2 〈メディアなどが〉(下劣なものに)迎合する, おもねる((to ...)). ▼受身可能.
1 情事の仲立ち;売春仲介者;売春宿の主人.
2 他人の弱みにつけこむ者, 悪事の仲介者.



Definition of intermediate (Entry 2 of 3)

1one that is intermediate
3aa chemical compound synthesized from simpler compounds and usually intended to be used in later syntheses of more complex products
ba usually short-lived chemical species formed in a reaction as an intermediate step between the starting material and the final product
4an automobile larger than a compact but smaller than a full-sized automobile
go-between (noun) A negotiator who acts as a link between parties.
Synonyms:intercessor, intermediary, mediator[名]仲介者, 仲人 act as a go-between仲介する.
Usage:A skilled go-between can prove invaluable to businesses when negotiations become hostile or contentious.

Definition of MEDIATOR

:  one that mediatesespecially :  one that mediates between parties at variance
:  a mediating agent in a physical, chemical, or biological process

Examples of MEDIATOR

  1. mediator

First Known Use of MEDIATOR

14th century


