2023年5月25日 星期四

laxative, magnesia, Wigs for Kids, aperient and antacid.

The cut ended up crooked, she said, but not enough to be noticeable to guests. (Her hairstylist evened things out during an appointment the week after.) Ms. Gulick donated 11 inches of hair to Wigs for Kids, an organization that creates free wigs for young cancer patients.

“I felt beautiful through half of my wedding day with my long locks and also felt beautiful as we rang in the New Year as Mr. and Mrs. with a short, fun and completely different look,” she said.

Constipation, usually defined as having fewer than three bowel movements per week, is the most frequent gastrointestinal complaint. And many people don’t want to take medications every day, or fear they will become dependent on laxatives (even though that’s a common misconception).

Researchers at King's College LondonCornell Tech and Columbia University found that antacids reduce the diversity of bacteria in the intestines—and that could lead to trouble.
Acid blockers reduce the diversity of bacteria in the intestines—and that could lead to trouble

magnesia, common name for the chemical compound magnesium oxide, MgO. It occurs as colorless, cubic crystals. It is refractory, melting at about 2,800°C. It is very slightly soluble in pure water but is soluble in acids and solutions of ammonium salts. The magnesia of commerce is a fine white powder used in soaps, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and as a filler in rubber goods. Magnesia is used to make crucibles and other ceramic goods. Crude magnesia is prepared by roasting dolomite (calcium magnesium double carbonate) or magnesite (magnesium carbonate). Pure magnesia is prepared by refining the crude product. Magnesia is also extracted from seawater. It occurs in nature as the mineral periclase.

Magnesium oxide; aperient and antacid.

[形]通じをつける, 緩下作用のある.

  • [æntǽsid]
[形](胃などで)酸を中和する, 制酸性の
an antacid pill
━━[名][U][C]酸中和剤, 制酸剤.

lax·a·tive (lăk'sə-tĭv) pronunciation
A food or drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels.

  1. Stimulating evacuation of the bowels.
  2. Causing looseness or relaxation, especially of the bowels.
[Middle English, from Old French laxatif, from Medieval Latin laxātīvus, preventing constipation, from Late Latin, assuaging, from Latin laxātus, past participle of laxāre, to relax, from laxus, loose. See lax.]


