2013年4月24日 星期三

A herbal tea, tisane, or ptisan, camellia, The Lady of the Camellias

 The Lady of the Camellias (French: La Dame aux camélias) is a novel by Alexandre Dumas, fils, first published in 1848,

從小說到劇本  剪裁的功夫最重要
胡適1926年旅法時看過 《茶花女》一劇  當時觀眾許多人很感動
在30年代  唯一有小說與劇本的是 《茶花女》 所以值得研究它們


  • 產品名稱:茶花女
  • ISBN編號: 9787542630506
  • 出版時間: 2009-5-1
  • 出版社: 上海三联书店
  • 頁數: 419
  • 版次印次: 1
  • 作者: (法)小仲马(Dumas,A.) 著,董强 译
  • 開本: 16开
  • 裝幀: 平装
  • 印數: 1
  • 字數: 177000

 Mao had a carefree childhood. Until he was eight he lived with his mother's family, the Wens, in their village, as his mother preferred to live with her own family. There his maternal grandmother doted on him. His two uncles and their wives treated him like their own son, and one of them became his Adopted Father, the Chinese equivalent to godfather. Mao did a little light farm work, gathering fodder for pigs and taking the buffaloes out for a stroll in the tea-oil camellia groves by a pond shaded by banana leaves. In later years he would reminisce with fondness about this idyllic time. He started learning to read, while his aunts spun and sewed under an oil lamp.

圖/張天鈞 油畫 2013  72.5 x 91公分
1 月25日至2月3日,陽明山花卉試驗中心有茶花展,我和先生天鈞去賞花。茶花有各種品種,室內用盆栽,戶外則有一大片茶花園,千嬌百媚,令人驚豔,不禁讚 嘆大自然的奧妙。回家後,天鈞畫了這張圖,而我親手為女兒縫製的絨毛玩具,取名”滴咕樂兒”,在圖畫的下方,好似抬頭賞茶花,別有一番趣味。

There was Job Bottles, Bottles's
brother, who is on the Stock Exchange ; a man with black
hair at the sides of his head, a bald crown, dark eyes and
a fleshy nose, and a camellia in his button -hole.

[形]草[草本]の;薬草の, 薬草を用いた
herbal tea
ハーブティー(herb tea)
herbal medicine
━━[名]草本[植物]論;草本誌[書], 植物誌.

A herbal tea, tisane, or ptisan is a herbal infusion made from anything other than the leaves of the tea bush (Camellia sinensis).


