2013年11月6日 星期三

the length and breadth of, go to considerable lengths to

Beautiful pictures of American artists in their studios:

Art Studio America is a new book by Hossein Amirsadeghi and Maryam Eisler, who have travelled the length and breadth of the country, capturing intimate portraits of 115 artists in their places of work.


Bona Fide Fans Chase Rib-Free Rib Sandwich
McDonald's McRib sandwiches are almost never available at all restaurants at the same time. The elusiveness has created a fan base of people who go to considerable lengths to find one.

1 [U]長さ;丈;縦;(泳いだ距離の単位としての)プールの縦(の長さ)
a rectangle eight inches in length and five in width [breadth]
He ran the length of the football field.
2 [U][C](時の)長さ, 期間
the length of a game
3 ((the 〜))(書物・列挙・計数・記述などの)長さ
the length of a sentence
4 [C](ある特定の)長さ;距離;長い物
a great length of chain
a length of bamboo
stand a car's length away from ...
walk [drive, travel] the length of ...
…の全距離を歩く[車で走る, 旅する]
He ran a mile's length.
5 [U][C](行動・思考・努力などの)範囲, 程度
I don't go to that length.
6 [C]一馬身, 一艇身
The boat won by two lengths.
7 [U]《服飾》((ふつう複合語))レングス, 長さ, 丈
a floor-length skirt
8 [U][C]《韻文・音声学》(母音・音節の)長さ, 音量;(俗に)(母音の)音質.
9 [U]《クリケット》球程.
10 [C]((俗))陰茎, ペニス;性交.
at full length
(1) 体を十分に伸ばして, 大の字になって.
(2) 十分に, 詳しく, 長ったらしく, くだくだと.
at length
(1) 十分に, 詳細に.
(2) ((文))ついに, ようやく. ▼at lastと比べると「さまざまな曲折を経て」という含みがある.
(3) 長ったらしく, 長々と.
(4) 大の字になって.
at some length
go (to) any length(s)/go (to) all [great, some, considerable] lengths
どんなことでもする, どんな苦労も惜しまない.
go to the length of doing
know [find, get, have] the length of a person's foot
〈人の〉性格をのみこむ, 〈人の〉弱点を見抜く.
measure one's length
over [throughout, across] the length and breadth of ...
…の隅から隅まで, 津々浦々.

  1. The state, quality, or fact of being long. See Usage Note at strength.
  2. The measurement of the extent of something along its greatest dimension: the length of the boat.
  3. A piece, often of a standard size, that is normally measured along its greatest dimension: a length of cloth.
  4. A measure used as a unit to estimate distances: won the race by a length.
  5. Extent or distance from beginning to end: the length of a novel; the length of a journey.
  6. The amount of time between specified moments; the duration: the length of a meeting.
  7. Extent or degree to which an action or policy is carried. Often used in the plural: went to great lengths to prove his point.
  8. Linguistics.
    1. The duration of a vowel.
    2. The duration of a syllable.
  9. The vertical extent of a garment. Often used in combination: knee-length; floor-length.
idiom:at length
  1. After some time; eventually: At length we arrived at our destination.
  2. For a considerable time; fully: spoke at length about the court ruling.
[Middle English, from Old English lengthu.]


at length

  • 1in detail; fully:these aspects have been discussed at length
  • 2after a long time:at length she laid down the pencil

the length and breadth of

the whole extent of:women from the length and breadth of Russia


