Ship Traffic Threatens Blue Whales
A largely unstudied population of whales near Sri Lanka has come under
pressure from commercial shipping and from a boom in unregulated
whale-watching boats.
The theatre is open to all Athenian citizens, but the ordinary man will not venture to 11seat himself in the front row. In the front row, and that only, the seats have backs, and the central seat of this row is an armchair; the whole of the front row is permanently reserved, not for individual rich men who can afford to hire “boxes,” but for certain State officials, and these officials are all priests. On each seat the name of the owner is inscribed; the central seat is “of the priest of Dionysos Eleuthereus,” the god of the precinct. Near him is the seat “of the priest of Apollo the Laurel-Bearer,” and again “of the priest of Asklepios,” and “of the priest of Olympian Zeus,” and so on round the whole front semicircle. It is as though at His Majesty’s the front row of stalls was occupied by the whole bench of bishops, with the Archbishop of Canterbury enthroned in the central stall.
- enthrone
- [動](他)((通例受身))1 …を王位につかせる;…に君主[司教]の権威を付与する.2 〈人・思想などを〉あがめる, 祭り上げる.en・throne・ment{include file='se...
- enthronement
- [名][C][U]即位(式);司教推戴(式);あがめること.
Main article: Whaling in the Faroe Islands
Records of drive hunts in the Faroe Islands date back to 1584.[16] It is regulated by Faroese authorities but not by the International Whaling Commission as there are disagreements about the Commission's legal authority to regulate small cetacean hunts. Hundreds of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melaena) are killed annually, mainly during the summer. The hunts, called "grindadráp" in Faroese, are non-commercial and are organized on a community level; anyone can participate. The hunters first surround the pilot whales with a wide semicircle of boats. Then they drive the whales slowly into a bay or to the shallows of a fjord. When a whale is in shallow water a hook is placed in its blowhole so that it may be dragged ashore. Once on land or immobilized in knee deep water, a cut is made across its top near the blowhole to partially sever its head. The dead or dying animals are then dragged further to shore after the remaining whales have been likewise killed.[17]
Some Faroese consider the hunt an important part of their culture and history. Animal-rights groups criticize the hunt as being cruel and unnecessary, while the hunters claim in return that most journalists do not exhibit sufficient knowledge of the catch methods or its economic significance.[18][19][20]
- An opening or one of a pair of openings for breathing, located on the top of the head of cetaceans, such as whales and dolphins. The blowhole is opened by muscles upon surfacing and closed by the pressure of water upon diving.
- A hole in ice to which aquatic mammals, such as dolphins, come to breathe.
- A vent to permit the escape of air or other gas.
1 (建造物の)通風孔, 換気孔.
2 (鯨の)噴気孔;(鯨・アザラシが呼吸する)氷海面の穴.