A blow-by-blow commentary was given by Ciaran Doherty and Ciaran Shannon and their friends, which undoubtedly helped the footage go viral.
A blow-by-blow account of groundbreaking works in Modernism
News Corp. Blasted In U.K.
report by a U.K. parliamentary committee examining the News Corp.
phone-hacking scandal concluded that lawmakers were misled, and said
that Rupert Murdoch is "not a fit person" to run a major company."
Two days later, Jack Welch turned out not to be speechless either when it came to rubbishing the appointment. The HP board had “committed sins”, he said. “They end up blowing up the CEOs and don’t have anyone else in mind to come in. Where the hell was the leadership development? Who are these board members?”
两天后,当各方开始抨击这项任命时,杰克•韦尔奇(Jack Welch)也打破沉默,发表了自己的高论。他说,惠普董事会“是在犯罪”。“这个决定彻底惹恼了众多CEO。他们心中竟然没有考虑过其他任何人选。他们 把领导力培养丢到什么地方去了?这些董事究竟是干什么吃的?”
Definition of blow
Exhibiting great detail: a blow-by-blow description of the accident.
(of a description of an event) giving all the details in the order in which they occurred:a blow-by-blow account of how England lost to Portugal
blow up
1. [scientific computation] To become unstable. Suggests that the computation is diverging so rapidly that it will soon overflow or at least go nonlinear.
2. Syn. blow out.
blow out
1. Extinguish, especially a flame. For example, The wind blew out the candles very quickly. [1300s]
2. Lose force or cease entirely, as in The storm will soon blow itself out and move out to sea. Also see blow over.
3. Burst or rupture suddenly, as in This tire is about to blow out. This usage alludes to the escape of air under pressure. [Early 1900s]
4. Also, blow out of the water. Defeat decisively, as in With a great new product and excellent publicity, we could blow the competition out of the water. This term originally was used in mid-19th-century naval warfare, where it meant to blast or shoot another vessel to pieces. It later was transferred to athletic and other kinds of defeat. [ Slang; mid-1900s]
One blows one’s brains out bing, bang, bover
blow someone's brains outSl. to kill someone with a gun. Careful with that gun, or you'll blow your brains out. Max was so depressed that he wanted to blow out his brains.
blow out
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4 (blow itself out) (of a storm) finally lose its force: figurativethe recession may finally have blown itself out
- レベル:大学入試程度
- 発音記号[blǽst | blɑ'ːst]
2 爆破(作業);(爆破作業1回分の)爆薬;[C][U]爆風;((比喩))(憎しみなどの)爆発;[C][U]((略式))非難, 攻撃;強打.
3 (らっぱ・笛などの)音(プー, ブーッ, ビーッ), ひと吹き;(車の)警笛((of, on ...));突然の大きな(騒)音
sound [blow] a blast on a horn
4 強いひと吹き
at a blast
5 ((米略式))(特にらんちき騒ぎの)パーティー, 大パーティー, 楽しい[おもしろい]こと, 大満足.
6 [U](植物の)立ち枯れ病;((比喩))災い.
7 《機械》送風, 蒸気の噴出.
8 《野球》長打, ホームラン
have a solo blast
9 ((米俗))(1回分の)麻薬;(麻薬からくる)快感(rush);麻薬を吸うこと.
10 ((米俗))
(1) 何か特によい[みごとな]もの.
(2) 大失敗.
(1) 何か特によい[みごとな]もの.
(2) 大失敗.
(at [in]) full blast
((略式))盛んに送風中で;全力をあげて, フル回転で;全速力で;〈ラジオなどが〉最大音量で.
in [out of] blast
1 [III[名]([副])]〈岩石・建物などを〉爆破する;…を爆破して除く((away, off));〈トンネルなどを〉爆破して作る((out))
blast away the face of the granite cliff
They blast a path through the mountain.
2 〈らっぱ・警笛などを〉大きな音で鳴らす, 吹く.
3 ((文))〈霜・病毒などが〉〈植物を〉しぼませる, 枯らす;〈希望・名声・計画・主張などを〉ぶちこわす, 台なしにする.
4 ((itなどを伴って))((話))…をのろう. ▼damnの婉曲語
Blast it!
Blast this zipper, it's stuck.
いやだ, このファスナー, ひっかかってしまらない.
いやだ, このファスナー, ひっかかってしまらない.
5 《ジャーナリズム》〈人を〉撃つ, 射殺[爆殺]する((down)).
6 ((俗))〈人を〉こっぴどくやっつける, 公然と非難する;〈チームを〉完敗させる.
7 《野球》((米俗))〈ボールを〉長打する;〈ホームランを〉打つ.
8 ((俗))〈麻薬を〉やる, (特に)〈マリファナを〉吸う.
1 爆破作業をする;((俗))銃をぶっ放す.
2 大きな音を立てる;(マイクやスピーカーの容量一杯で)音がひずむ.
3 〈植物が〉枯れる, しぼむ.
4 ((米俗))激しく非難する;大宣伝をする((away))
blast away at the President's decision
5 《ゴルフ》バンカーからボールを勢いよく打ち出す((out)).
6 ((米俗))麻薬をやる, マリファナを吸う.
blast away
(自)(1) ⇒(自)4
(2) (…に)銃を撃ちまくる;(…を)がみがみしかる((at ...));盛んに音を立てる.
[blast ... away/blast away ...]
blast off
(自)(1) 〈ロケットなどが〉(噴射して)飛び立つ;〈パイロットが〉ロケットなどで飛び立つ. ⇒BLAST-OFF
(2) ((俗))〈人が〉さっさと出て行く;去る, 逃げる.
(3) ((話))…をきびしくしかる.
(2) ⇒(他)1
[古英語blæst(blæsan吹く+-t). △BLISTER]
[blast ... off/blast off ...]
(1) 〈ロケットなどを〉発射させる.(2) ⇒(他)1