Drought Saps the Panama Canal, Disrupting Global Trade
The number of ships that can travel through the vital route has fallen because of a lack of water for the locks, raising costs and slowing deliveries.
Are Cruises ‘Corny’? Some First-Time Passengers Say Maybe Not.
Younger generations of passengers are venturing onto ships for the first time. And with sky-high airfares and expensive hotels, many are saving money.
“I was really too young to know that there are times when — I don’t want to sound silly — but when you are plugged into the universe and all of a sudden something comes through you, and it’s yours but it isn’t yours,” he said. “It comes out and you don’t know where it comes from. I don’t know why or how I wrote that song when I was 21 or 22 years old. It was certainly beyond me. I thought I had a nice melody. I thought it was maybe a little corny. But people liked it.”
Indeed, Ota has been hit hard as big Japanese companies shifted production abroad in search of lower labor costs. Locals bemoan how neighborhoods that once pulsated with the clanging of metal presses and bustle of workers have grown deserted, or become filled with hushed, cookie-cutter apartment complexes known as “mansions.”
Now this all may sound like the kind of trite and sappy "feel-good" story that gives Hollywood a bad name. But director Joe Wright and screenwriter Susannah Grant maintain an emotionally controlled tone that keeps the film from sliding into goopy melodrama. They make sure Steve, not Nathaniel, is the center of the story, and by focusing more on the man who wants to help than the man who needs help, they've created a unique movie rather than just another example of cookie-cutter Oscar bait. ~ Perry Seibert, Rovi
sappy"feel-good" story,
adj., -pi·er, -pi·est.
sappiness sap'pi·ness n.
statically stat'i·cal·ly adv.
adj., -pi·er, -pi·est.
sappiness sap'pi·ness n.
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
Trite, dated, melodramatic, or mawkishly sentimental.
corniness corn'i·ness n.
Indeed, Ota has been hit hard as big Japanese companies shifted production abroad in search of lower labor costs. Locals bemoan how neighborhoods that once pulsated with the clanging of metal presses and bustle of workers have grown deserted, or become filled with hushed, cookie-cutter apartment complexes known as “mansions.”
Now this all may sound like the kind of trite and sappy "feel-good" story that gives Hollywood a bad name. But director Joe Wright and screenwriter Susannah Grant maintain an emotionally controlled tone that keeps the film from sliding into goopy melodrama. They make sure Steve, not Nathaniel, is the center of the story, and by focusing more on the man who wants to help than the man who needs help, they've created a unique movie rather than just another example of cookie-cutter Oscar bait. ~ Perry Seibert, Rovi
"There is an element of truth in every idea that lasts long enough to be called corny." — Irving Berlin
Inside Europe | 11.04.2009 | 07:05
Bird watchers eggs-static in Brussels
When two peregrine falcons started nesting in Brussels' main Cathedral, bird enthusiasts from across Europe hurried to see the return of one of Europe's rarest species. Now, more than 25,000 visitors flock to see the falcons nesting each spring, thanks to television pictures transmitted night and day, just centimetres from the eggs themselves.batty1
- mad; insane."you'll drive me batty!"
sappy"feel-good" story,
adj., -pi·er, -pi·est.
- Full of sap; juicy.
- Slang. Excessively sentimental; mawkish.
- Slang. Silly or foolish.
sappiness sap'pi·ness n.
- the fluid which circulates in the vascular system of a plant, consisting chiefly of water with dissolved sugars and mineral salts.
- gradually weaken or destroy (a person's strength or power)."our energy is being sapped by bureaucrats and politicians"
- Having no motion; being at rest; quiescent.
- Fixed; stationary.
- Physics. Of or relating to bodies at rest or forces that balance each other.
- Electricity. Of, relating to, or producing stationary charges; electrostatic.
- Of, relating to, or produced by random radio noise.
- Random noise, such as crackling in a receiver or specks on a television screen, produced by atmospheric disturbance of the signal.
- Informal.
- Back talk.
- Interference; obstruction.
- Angry or heated criticism.
[New Latin staticus, relating to weight, from Greek statikos, causing to stand, from statos, standing.]
statical stat'i·cal adj.statically stat'i·cal·ly adv.
cookie cutter
- cóokie cùtter
1 クッキーの抜き型.
2 どれも同じ形をした物, 似たりよったりの物.
sappy"feel-good" story,
[形]sappysappy"feel-good" story,
adj., -pi·er, -pi·est.
- Full of sap; juicy.
- Slang. Excessively sentimental; mawkish.
- Slang. Silly or foolish.
sappiness sap'pi·ness n.
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
Trite, dated, melodramatic, or mawkishly sentimental.
[From CORN1.]
cornily corn'i·ly adv.corniness corn'i·ness n.
ADJECTIVE ( cornier, corniest)
1930s: from an earlier sense 'rustic, appealing to country folk'.