‘There was no other option’: Prince Harry explains decision to quit royal duties in emotional speech
Our scientific flowchart will help ease the decision-making process in this whirlwind era of retail riches.
Medicare for All or Public Option: Can Either Heal Health Care? |
A public insurance option could use its scale to hold prices down, but only if the approach avoids the financing gimmicks that are undermining Medicare, say Regina E. Herzlinger and James Wallace. |
"Authors so often find films of their books a mixed blessing. My novel Madame Doubtfire had been under option for more than 10 years when Robin Williams finally closed the deal. I heard on the grapevine that a child's easy access to the noncustodial parent was an issue close to his heart. He certainly put a vast amount of feeling and energy into the film"
Cellphone Service by the Day, Month or Tankful
Offering greater freedom and long-term savings, no-contract plans are on the rise, with many options available and a growing clientele.
on the rise,
2008年9月20日 星期六
strudel, option, altogether
Zimbabwe: Give a bad deal a chance
- Robert Mugabe is no longer omnipotent, but it will still be hard to get rid of him altogether
Investors Seek Asian Options to Costly China
A number of multinationals are creating or expanding other Asian bases, particularly in Vietnam.
1 [C or U] one thing which can be chosen from a set of possibilities, or the freedom to make a choice:
The best option would be to cancel the trip altogether.
There are various options open to someone who is willing to work hard.
They didn't leave him much option - either he paid or they'd beat him up.
2 [C] SPECIALIZED the right to buy something in the future:
a share option
The publishers decided not to take up their option on the paperback version.
If something is optional, you can choose whether to do it, pay it, buy it, etc:
English is compulsory for all students, but art and music are optional.
━━ n. 選択(権・の自由); 選択可能なもの[事]; 〔英〕 選択科目; 【商業・株】オプション, 選択売買権 ((on)).
have no option but to do …するよりほかない.
keep [leave] one's options open 態度(決定)を保留する.
make one's option 選択する.
op・tion・al ━━ a. 随[任]意の.
op・tion・al・ly ad.
optional dividend 【株】選択式配当 ((株主の意向で配当の形を選択できるもの)).
option key 【コンピュータ】オプションキー ((Macintoshのキーボード上のキーの一つ;他のキーと同時に押して命令を送出する)).
option money 【株】オプション料 ((optionの購入料)).
option switch 【コンピュータ】オプション・スイッチ.
option to purchase 【株】買い取り選択権 (((大手)株主に与えられる,特定の企業の株式を安値で買い取る権利)).

op・tion・al・ly ad.
optional dividend 【株】選択式配当 ((株主の意向で配当の形を選択できるもの)).

Pronunciation: /ˈɒpʃ(ə)n /
mid 16th century: from French, or from Latin optio(n-), from the stem of optare 'choose'. The verb dates from the 1930s.
- travelling by road is not an option here
keep (or leave) one's options open
Not be feasible:
Pronunciation: /ˈwəːlwɪnd /
粗略地意譯一下可能應該是「德國發動了戰爭,我們惡有惡報」(reap the whirlwind)
Reap the whirlwind is a term derived from the proverbial phrase "They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind", which in turn comes from the Book of Hosea in the Hebrew Bible, Hosea 8-7.
Historical use[edit]
It was famously used by Arthur "Bomber" Harris in response to the Blitz of 1940 when he said:
The phrase was also used by Norman Tebbit in a 1985 lecture when he condemned the permissive society saying: