2016年5月16日 星期一

filth, genital mutilation, rot in your own filth, -some, bother, burden/burthen, burdensome, bothersome,

Filth or fine art?

A new exhibition at the British Museum features over 150 works of…

Buzludzha was once the futuristic, flying-saucer shaped headquarters of the Communist Party in Bulgaria, but it is now a semi-ruin after being left to rot http://econ.st/1Z35eZn

Bedtime stories complete with mutilation, cannibalism, infanticide and incest.

Are Grimm’s Fairy Tales too twisted for children?


Female genital mutilation has declined in many places, but not all. 30 million girls and women are still estimated to be at risk over the next decade ‪#‎econarchive‬ (2013) http://econ.st/1DXhFL6

Wounds and scars

The barbarism that is female genital mutilationMORE than 125m girls and women alive today have been subjected to female genital mutilation of some kind in the 29...

Dancing genitals. For kids.
Gotta love the Swedes
Swedish children’s TV dancing genitals cartoon sparks parental outcry

Parents complain about cartoon video for children’s channel Barnkanalen...

BBC World Service

Female genital mutilation was banned in Egypt in 2008 but there is still a demand and it is still widely practised. One woman who performs FGM procedures several times a week has been speaking to the BBC's Orla Guerin.

Female Genital Mutilation - "Mums come begging us to do it"


'All you want to do is watch TV and rot in your own filth. Instead you spend the evening backing up your phone, downloading a gigantic file and sitting around while your phone undergoes an intense psychological makeover, at the end of which it may or may not function'

“The solution to the gender divide in housework generally is just that simple: don’t bother,” writes Stephen Marche in Opinion.

情感教育 p.552 梁永安
[P.552] He mingled in society, and he conceived attachments to other women. But the constant recollection of his first love made these appear insipid; and besides the vehemence of desire, the bloom of the sensation had vanished. In like manner, his intellectual ambitions had grown weaker. Years passed; and he was forced to support the burthen of a life in which his mind was unoccupied and his heart devoid of energy. 

In this case Congress would be enhancing President Obama's foreign-policy leverage in Asia, not undermining it. Some of the wiser figures in the White House might even be thankful if the Congress takes this difficult decision off their hands. As well as selling the F-16s, lawmakers might also consider how to strengthen the Taiwan Relations Act to put arms sales to the island on a more automatic schedule that would allow future Presidents to deflect Chinese pressure. That would be a boon to American policy making, an assurance for Taiwan's freedom—and a spur to more responsible Chinese conduct.

Definition of


in English:


1Relating to the human or animal reproductive organs:the genital area
1.1Psychoanalysis (In Freudian theory) relating to or denoting the final stage of psychosexualdevelopment reached in adulthood.


(genitals)Back to top  
A person’s or animal’s external organs of reproduction.


late Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin genitalis, from genitus, past participle of gignere 'beget'.


Pronunciation: /ˈbɒðə/
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  • 1 [no object, with negative] take the trouble to do something:scientists rarely bother with such niceties [with infinitive]:the driver didn’t bother to ask why
  • 2 [with object] (of a circumstance or event) worry, disturb, or upset (someone):secrecy is an issue which bothers journalists [with object and clause]:it bothered me that I hadn’t done anything
  • [no object, usually with negative] feel concern about or interest in:don’t bother about me—I’ll find my own way home he wasn’t to bother himself with day-to-day things (as adjective bothered)I’m not particularly bothered about how I look
  • cause trouble or annoyance to (someone) by interrupting or otherwise inconveniencing them:I’m sorry to bother you at this time of night


[mass noun]
  • effort, trouble, or difficulty:he saved me the bother of having to come up with a speech it may seem like too much bother to cook just for yourself
  • (a bother) a person or thing that causes annoyance or difficulty:I hope she hasn’t been a bother


  • used to express mild irritation or impatience:‘Bother!’ she muttered

can't be bothered (to do something)

be unwilling to make the effort needed to do something: they couldn’t be bothered to look it up

hot and bothered

in a state of anxiety or physical discomfort, especially as a result of being pressured:others struggle with bags and briefcases, looking hot and bothered


late 17th century (as a noun in the dialect sense 'noise, chatter'): of Anglo-Irish origin; probably related to Irish bodhaire 'noise', bodhraim 'deafen, annoy'. The verb (originally dialect) meant 'confuse with noise' in the early 18th century


[mass noun]
  • the action of mutilating or being mutilated:a culture which found any mutilation of the body abhorrent [count noun]:there were fatalities and appalling mutilations
  • the infliction of serious damage on something:the proposed mutilation of City Hall by our own councillors


1The action of mutilating or being mutilated:culture which found any mutilation of the bodyabhorrent[COUNT NOUN]: there were fatalities and appallingmutilations
1.1The infliction of serious damage on something:the proposed mutilation of City Hall by our own councillors

(būn) pronunciation
  1. A benefit bestowed, especially one bestowed in response to a request.
  2. A timely blessing or benefit: A brisk breeze is a boon to sailors.
[Middle English bone, from Old Norse bōn, prayer.]

boon2 (būn) pronunciation
  1. Convivial; jolly: a boon companion to all.
  2. Archaic. Favorable.
[Middle English bon, good, from Old French, from Latin bonus.]

Cost of Stimulus Cash Vexes Schools
The $18.2 billion marked out in last year's federal stimulus package for research and development was hailed as a boon for universities, but many that received funds are finding their share of the costs burdensome.


Characterized by a specified quality, condition, or action: bothersome.

[Middle English -som, from Old English -sum, -like.]

A group of a specified number of members: threesome.

[Middle English -sum, from Old English sum, some. See some.]

  1. Body: centrosome.
  2. Chromosome: monosome.
[From Greek sōma, body.]


Pronunciation: /ˈbəːð(ə)n/





Pronunciation: /fɪlθ/

[mass noun]
  • disgusting dirt:stagnant pools of filth
  • obscene and offensive language or printed material:some calls were vitriolic, accusing us of publishing pornography and filth
  • corrupt behaviour; decadence.
  • used as a term of abuse for a person or people one greatly despises:you and all the others like you are filth
  • (as plural noun the filth) British informal, derogatory the police.


Old English fȳlth 'rotting matter, rottenness', also 'corruption, obscenity', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vuilte, also to foul


Line breaks: rot
Pronunciation: /rɒt  /

VERB (rotsrottingrotted)

1(Chiefly of animal or vegetable matter) decay or cause to decay by the action of bacteria and fungi; decompose:[NO OBJECT]: the chalets were neglected and their woodwork was rotting away[WITH OBJECT]: caries sets in at a weak point and spreads to rot the whole tooth
1.1[NO OBJECT] Gradually deteriorate, especially through neglect:the education system has been allowed to rot
2[WITH OBJECT] British INFORMAL DATED Make fun of; tease:has anybody been rotting you?


[MASS NOUN]Back to top  
1The process of decaying:the leaves were turning black with rot
1.1Rotten or decayed matter.
1.2[USUALLY WITH MODIFIER] Any of a number of fungal or bacterial diseases that cause tissue deterioration, especially in plants.
1.3(often the rot) Liver rot in sheep.
2(the rotBritish A process of deterioration; a decline in standards:there is enough talent in the team to stop the rot
2.1US Corruption on the part of officials.
3INFORMAL , chiefly British Nonsense; rubbish:don’t talk rot[AS EXCLAMATION]: ‘Rot!’ she said with vehemence


Old English rotian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch rotten; the noun ( Middle English) may have come via Scandinavian.


