Now let's laugh a bit.
An imaginary comic spoof cover for a story in which the Captain and Tintin are noisome drunks at Nestor's bar ...
Drawing the mind, one neuron at a time: A 2022 book walks readers through the life and work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, the Spaniard whom many consider the founder of modern neuroscience.
Check out the Science Books Review on #WorldBookDay:
A.I. Is Mastering Language. Should We Trust What It Says?
OpenAI’s GPT-3 and other neural nets can now write original prose with mind-boggling fluency — a development that could have profound implications for the future.
Implant could help fix a brain's broken file storage capabilities, restoring its function as a memory repository.
痛覺神經末梢分布最密集的部位首推皮膚、皮下、肌膜等;對大部分手術而言,這類「體感痛覺神經末梢(somatic nociceptive endings)」通常是術後疼痛的主要來源,只有小部分來自臟器痛覺(visceral pain)。因此近年來藉助設計製造精良的手術器械和輔助工具,微創手術(minimally invasive surgery)和各式內視鏡手術越來越風行。這類手術切口很小,因此對上述痛感神經密集的組織侵害也很小,因此也降低了這些組織在術後的疼痛。不過由於切口小、器械特殊,通常要有更純熟的技術,對醫師而言需要一段相當的學習適應,因此技術門檻 高。所幸醫師與醫學工程師們都不斷在改良這些器械與技術,使其更加簡單、友善,可逐漸改善技術門檻的問題。
《中英對照讀新聞》The anti-social network : Two-thirds of Facebook users are more selective with their friends list 反社群網站:2/3臉書用戶更精挑細選好友名單
Rising numbers of Facebook users are deleting friends as they ’prune’ their on-line profiles, research has revealed.
Two-thirds of those who use the social networking website say they have ’unfriended’ somebody they do not want to know any more. Another 44 percent deleted comments made by other people on their profile page and 37 percent removed tags of themselves from photos.
The surprising figures show that Facebook users could finally be becoming more selective about who they allow to access their on-line life.
Many people allow their bosses, work colleagues and parents to become ’friends’ with them on the site - with potentially embarrassing consequences.
The report by US research organisation Pew bore this out : 11 percent of Facebook users have posted something they regret, with men being twice as likely to do so as women.
Young adults under 29 were most likely to commit an on-line faux pas with 29 percent admitting such a blunder.
prune:動詞,修剪、刪節;英國俚語,無趣的人、傻瓜。例句:The tough economy has forced us to prune our household budget.(嚴峻的經濟狀況已迫使我們刪減家庭預算。)
selective:形容詞,選擇性,經過挑選的,善於選擇的。例句:You should be more selective in making friends.(你交朋友應該更有選擇性。)
bear something out, bear out something:動詞片語,支持、證實某事或某個論點。例句:This disaster bore his prediction out.(這場災難印證了他的預言。)
Nociception - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cached
Nociception (synonym: nocioception or nociperception) is defined as "the neural processes of encoding and processing noxious stimuli." It is the afferent activity ...noisome (NOI-suhm)
1. Offensive, especially to the sense of smell.
2. Harmful; noxious.
From Middle English noy (short of annoy), via French, from Latin inodiare (to make hateful), from in- (intensive prefix) + odium (hate).
"Phasing out of noisome exhausts on motorbikes should be handled seriously and urgently." — ESG Response; Gibraltar Chronicle; Nov 28, 2009.
"The anti-social behaviour order, or Asbo, has helped to bring some relief to hard-pressed communities plagued by noisome neighbours and menacing yobs." — Making Justice Swifter; The Daily Telegraph (London, UK); Oct 8, 2009.
- 発音
- nɑ'kʃəs | nɔ'k-
2 〈人・事が〉きわめて不愉快な.
[ラテン語noxius (nocēre害を与える+-IOUS). △NUISANCE]