2012年2月22日 星期三

ghost word, misreading, Holy Ghost/Spirit

U.S. and Iraq Had Expected Some U.S. Troops to Stay

American officials blamed a misreading of Iraqi politics for the failure of negotiations on extending the presence of troops.

ghost word (gost wurd)

A word that has come into a language through the perpetuation of a misreading of a manuscript, a typographical error, or a misunderstanding.

"Reading a text in facsimile form is like a trapeze performance without a net: there's no glossary, for instance, and nothing to warn the unwary they may be puzzling over a scribally created ghost word rather than discovering something entered in no dictionary." — Ralph Hanna, Facsimile of Oxford, The Huntington Library Quarterly, Jan 1, 1999.

spirit (1) 精神;精神體。 (2) 鬼神。 (3) 心靈;個人的心智。 (4) 靈魂。

Spirit, Holy :聖神;聖靈;天主第三位:聖父、聖子、聖神是三位一體的天主,而聖神是三位一體天主的第三位。同 Holy Ghost


